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Living Under Tyrone Crow?
Why Beating Whitey Is Legal and Moral: Exposing the Misunderstood Psyche of an Atheistic Society in Decline
© 2015 James LaFond
Americans—even Atheists—believe that we live in a nominally Christian society. As much as Atheists beat up on Christianity, one would think these two ideologies were polar opposites. However, seen from a primal viewpoint, atheism is a divergent strand of Christianity, competing over the same minds, on the same ethical grounds. How often do we hear atheists attacking Aristotle, The Buddha, Black Elk, Deginawida, Marcus Aurelius, Celtic spiritualists?
In my cracked mind, that is because Modern Christians and Atheists hold the same two values preeminent, and compete over those masses of humanity conditioned to hold these values sacred: the preservation and extension of human life, and the quality of physical existence on earth based on material terms, whereby starvation, pain, homelessness, unemployment and lack of education are absent or minimized.
Contrast this to spiritualists who deny the value of such a cozy, sheltered, well fed and long lingering life, and extol the value of suffering, abstinence, discipline and the transformative experience—which is doctrinally denied to most Christians until after death, and is universally denied to all atheists, who primarily differ with Christians in the matter of the afterlife and the question of an intelligent creator entity.
I suspect that the deep lack of understanding of the urban American ethical matrix is due to Christians not realizing that they are atheists, and hence standing bemused, and that atheists do not realize the depth of their Christian roots, and are thus absolutely ignorant of the fact that they are engineering the deification of their meddling collective will through their untiring efforts to supersize The State as a universal ethos enabler.
Of course you disagree with me. So let me abandon this course of discussion and examine those human behaviors in which I see Christian-Atheism expressed in daily urban life. Once you have considered these collective Christian-Atheistic values as expressed through violent behavior, perhaps you will consider my possession [I was supposed to type ‘position,’ but have become quite a fan of the Freudian typo, and am keeping it] anew, or perhaps modify your own. The idea behind this exercise is an establishment of an understanding as to how and why one ends up in The Boned Zone.
The broad answer to why you are being brutalized in a street attack, is that you are being collectively boned by the entire corrupt social structure, the nature of which your supposedly less enlightened attackers are far more aware of then you—who believe in concepts that do not exist, such as fairness, rights, and the peculiar American myth that the State somehow serves the cause of individual liberty, when it is itself constructed exclusively at the expense of individual liberty.
The Four True American Values
The values expressed below are those held by collective postmodern American society. These are not urban American values, or black values, but values held in common by all branches of government, the media, the clergy, and most professional thinkers, including men as diverse as Libertarians and leftist liberals. These values are included in this urban survival handbook because the only segment of the American population that has achieved a proper understanding of our collective across the board Christian-Atheistic value system are urban blacks, who, if they find you vulnerable in their ethical zone, will apply these values to you, often by way of a subsidized shoe.
The following values are descendent, with the lower numbered 'greater' values absolutely trumping higher numbered ‘lesser’ values to the point of utter invalidation.
1. Human life is the most sacred aspect of life on earth, and everything else is subservient to it. Killing a human is a universal sin that may only be forgiven if the killing was committed by a representative of the collective.
2. Quality of human life is second only to life itself. This includes the right to access any and all material goods and benefits desired by the living.
3. The will of the collective is the 3rd pillar of this ethos. The primary aim of the collective will is to make certain that the free will of individuals, including transcendent experiences [drug use and risk taking] and the selfish desire to be free of coercion, do not, in any way, impinge upon the quality of life, or length of life, of the individual or others. The collective protects you first from yourself, and secondly protects others from your false notion of autonomy.
4. Free will, liberty and their expressions, such as freedom to travel free of restraint, freedom to self medicate, property rights, etc., are all trumped by the collective will.
The way this system works in practice is like so:
A person who believes in their right to own a smart phone and to walk freely through Baltimore is mistaken, as the majority of Baltimoreans will deny that right by either attacking him, or by blaming him for the attacker’s actions—as the attacker is a member of the collective and has no agency—and denying the individual practicing free will any right to defend himself with force exceeding that force used by the attacker, meaning that he may not walk through Baltimore without committing a crime against his attacker, as equal force cannot establish his free will, but rather bind him in a nasty situation.
For instance, when a Subaru Outback was stopped by a gang of thugs in the Baltimore Inner Harbor last month, and the driver attempted to use the superior force provided by the automobile, he was promptly attacked by the local black collective, and condemned by the political/media white collective for threatening the quality of life of the thugs, for quality of life is known to be reduced when struck by an automobile. If you drive anywhere in the U.S. and are stopped by a gang, and essentially held hostage in your car, any action on your part that injures one of the aggressors will exceed the crime against your fee will, which is secondary to every other American’s physical quality of life.
Recently, when recounting the brutal beating of a coworker by four black thugs, I was told by a white liberal that it was not their fault, but his fault, for improperly communicating his desire to help them. The trade off for the protection of the collective is a loss of agency. According to the collective those who do not live according to the fantasy of rights, although privileged with protection against those who would deny access to goods falsely identified as property under that free will delusion, are regarded by the collective will as mere ciphers without agency. The genius of this ethos is that the collective, while simultaneously blaming a polite white tourist for his own attack and defending his black thug attacker, denies the agency [which, to a primal person would be his very soul] of both parties.
For instance, when a black man recently punched a white woman and took her smart phone, it was not his fault, but hers. Her bloody nose was offset by his enrichment, constituting the type of essentially legal transaction that occurs in the ghetto, where beatings are not regarded as immoral, or punished by the law as a crime, unless they result in maiming or death. If she were to try and retain the smart phone—falsely and unjustly defined as property, which is a sick fantasy—with a firearm she would face an indictment and or civil suit and possible federal charges.
Put bluntly, in pre civilized societies, free will is the top value, and anyone who would seek to punch, steal from, or imprison a warrior or his woman, of any race or tribe, could expect to be slain. In our denatured livestock society, where every person is a beast of the State, free will is the least important value, with the physical shell of what might have been a human in ages past, providing the only ethical basis for laws enforced by the collective will.
The root reason why so many whites find themselves in The Boned Zone when attempting to negotiate urban environments, is the fact that the urban underclass—having been subjected to the criminal code for generations—have a clear reality based understanding of the rules of behavior, and these rules of behavior are descendent, being the code of the slave, the peasant, the serf and servant, rising up into the collective consciousness as society declines. Therefore, in Baltimore, a beating—even a severe one—is not regarded as a crime by blacks or law enforcement, unless it produces a cripple or a body. For this reason beatings are casually dispensed, and any escalation of force response is taboo.
Being held against you will be a strong man is not sufficient cause to punch him.
Being punched by a strong man is not sufficient cause to stab him.
Being threatened with death by a man kicking in your front door is not sufficient cause to shoot him, unless he is armed with a weapon.
Aristocratic values, based as they were on warrior codes, recognized an ascending ethos of retaliation: with an insult eliciting a slap, a slap eliciting a duel, etc. the purpose and effect of such systems insured infrequent mob violence within a society, and the rarity of casual force, such as barring a man’s way, robbing him empty handed knowing that it is unlawful for him to be armed, or to escalate force, etc.
As Western States built their war machines it was noted that the officer class—descended from the former warrior class and reserving honor codes that recognized ascendant force—were killing each other in duels, inhibiting the growth of the necessarily massive war machines required of mercantile [material based] empires. Nothing is more an affront to the power of the State, than to recognize the ‘rights’ of its human livestock to duel to the death over points of honor and free will—the later being a reprehensible notion in any case.
Imagine a beef farmer permitting his bulls to fight each other?
To establish the most massive herd a cattlemen segregates the choicest bulls as studs and castrates the rest of the bulls, making them easily led steers.
Black Urban Violence Trends in Baltimore
The State is run on identical principals to a beef herd. Oddly though, most Caucasian subjects of the American State continue to believe in the fantasy of rights handed down by their so-called Founding Fathers. When these people come into contact with those African Americans whose ancestors were owned and brutalized by these same Founding Fathers, they come face to face with individuals born to a people with an historically ingrained appreciation for the nature of State Force, and the adaptability common to surviving minority under classes in any society.
The black man knows that beating up a white man is not a crime, while the white man thinks it is, as he retains his free will fantasy. For this reason blacks have almost entirely dispensed with the use of firearms except as arms in drug turf wars.
Since I wrote my first series of violence books, the mandatory firearm penalty in Maryland has resulted in the following trends in black violence:
1. Gun armed robberies of whites are down
2. Shootings of rival blacks are stable
3. Beatings of whites are up
4. Beatings of blacks are stable
5. Stabbings by whites are down
6. Stabbing by blacks—mostly on blacks—are up
7. Mass attacks/stompings by whites are down
8. Mass attacks/stompings by blacks are up
These trends are a response to two factors:
1. Mandatory additional time served for any crime committed with a handgun
2. Increased social tolerance—by blacks and whites—of beatings and public mass attacks by blacks, on anyone. It is just as acceptable for a black mob to beat a black man as to beat a white one. By my count, 1 in 4 black boys are beaten by a group of their fellows before age 16, and most black men are attacked by two or more black men as adults. None of this gets into law enforcement databases due to the antipathy between blacks and law enforcement.
The black Baltimore man or youth of 2015 is more likely to beat and stomp a white person, and less likely to suffer legally from it, than the black man or youth of 1995, who was primarily interested in using a firearm to threaten whites out of their money and automobile, and to kill rival black criminals.
Living Under Tyrone Crow?
Understand, that where it was once socially and legally acceptable for a white man or men to beat a black man, it is now so for the black, who, as long as he stops short of killing the white man, will face no significant legal or social or penalty. Additionally, the violent black actor has significant free legal resources available, just as the white man once had in the form of an all male white jury. It has taken from 1943 to 2015 for leftist agitators, media and judiciary, working as a hammer and anvil social force with reactionary rightist law enforcement agencies, to finally create a black American social consciousness as dedicated to the rule of fear, as was the white American social consciousness that preceded it. Balance in civilized society rarely lasts long, with the State resting most comfortably on a foundation of gross inequity.
Any white man in need of defending himself in a black urban environment must realize that he is defending against a protected class of person, and must be as circumspect about his actions as the working class man of old defending himself against the haughty aristocrat, lest he bring the machinery of the collective will down on his head. The advice in Don’t Get Boned is weighted toward the legally defensible course, for no other reason than the fact that the author is not a materialist but a spiritualist; and is therefore less concerned with the pain sustained by the fleshy organism he is trapped in, than having that same bucket of bones used to imprison him in some government mind sodomizing institution. Don’t get locked up for defending yourself against an innocent victim of white oppression.
Don’t be that guy.
White men do not yet have it as bad as the black man of 100 years ago. It is not yet okay to kill white people. We have yet to have the death of a white man made into a public spectacle with rappers posing with the corpse of some poor white sap. I will make a prediction though, based on the way the racial winds are blowing. Before 2030, a white man will be publicly beaten to death by a black mob, with the video posted online, and the Department of Justice will not pursue hate crime indictments against the proud killers.
Don’t be that guy.
We have a new violence paradigm in Baltimore, based on manipulating the ethical delusions of whites and the cumbersome legal system, in order to expand the individual black urban male’s opportunities to use force against soft individual targets while avoiding harsh collective penalties. If one were a cynic, one might cite this as a corrective social design for curtailing individual liberty. But here in Harm City, the sky is always blue, the birds are always singing, and the steamy soot-soaked wind is ever at my back!
‘Mister Umbrella Man’
harm city
Yo Lord Bavarian
within leviathan’s craw
orphan nation
blue eyed daughter of zeus
advent america
ball of fortune
honor among men
Jeremy Bentham     May 19, 2015

I recommend that all the working class white people living in Baltimore move to Detroit. Colonize Detroit! On the down side Detroit is, like Baltimore, a crime ridden hell-hole with a majority black population (about 73%) and the city is completely broke having been mismanaged by Liberal Democrats for over fifty years. It also has much colder winters than Baltimore. On the plus side you can buy a house there for a hundred bucks. You can amuse yourself by golfing your way across the uninhabited regions of the city (of which there are many): last, but must importantly, the gun laws of the state of Michigan are much more "liberal”, as in guaranteeing ordinary citizens the liberty to own and use guns in self-defense. This makes for a much more level playing field than currently exists in Baltimore. The concealed carry permit in Michigan is “shall issue”, meaning if you have a clean record and you take the required safety classes you cannot be denied one. Consequently the employed citizens of Detroit have racked up quite a body count recently against home invaders and carjackers: Why live where the law requires that you be defenseless? In Detroit you can fight back, survive, and maybe even thrive eventually. You’ll be like the Cossacks of Imperial Russia; independent warriors homesteading in the lawless borderlands. They’ll write songs about you. There’ll be plenty of black people there you can buy your dope from too.

At this point the only way to set up conditions for positive change in Baltimore and in other similarly afflicted cities is to use the Leftists' own play book against them. Pull a “Cloward and Piven” and collapse the system. Once the population of Baltimore reaches 70% black, its economy will likely cease to function (if it has not already). It will lose its major financial houses and all its convention and tourist business. If I were a white policeman in Baltimore, I would leave as soon as practical, because it will not be long before the city will be broke and unable to pay the generous pension that you were promised. Join a police force somewhere else, soon. Years later, after Baltimore has collapsed and the Lefty government and their hood-rat minions have been much diminished in power and influence, you can move back and reclaim the city of your ancestors.
James     May 24, 2015

Dude, this is an article!

Billy     Nov 16, 2015

Come hasn't this video happened already repeatedly?

Blacks kill whites *daily* and I have yet to read or hear about and blacks being prosecuted for the obvious hate crimes they commit on such a regular basis.

I have nowhere near the sympathy you have for the black savages... (and I realize that you don't have much).

Blacks continually prove that they really aren't the same animal as most of the other races. They should be kept away from those of us that are civilized. They are not.
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