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Getting Cozy with Your Captors
Jim Fry on Gangs and Governments
© 2015 Jim Fry
Isn’t It Ironic?
The recent Waco Biker Gang “incident” has resulted in an eruption of expressions and polarization, with various sides utilizing it to propagate their agendas. These opinions and concomitant propaganda range across the entire sociopolitical spectrum from right to left, conservative to liberal, though I’ve yet to encounter much critical discernment regarding the fact that Governments themselves, through their institutions, alphabet agencies and agents, through selected and generally “justified” protected status, are the largest and most dangerous “gangs” in existence upon the planet.
Governments use identical or superior strategies to those used by other gangs. The following are some facts about our (collaborative) Government Gang (chapters), which appear self-evident and easily verified through their own documents.
> Governments obtain much of their financial resources through threat and application of violence, in the format of taxation, fees, penalties and assessments. No other organization comes close to extracting more tithe from people, incarcerating them when they fail to pony up or prevent their “citizens” from simply departing the Government’s territory and taking their accumulated wealth resources with them.
> Governments are the most heavily armed and militarized gang on the planet and utilize their weaponry where and as deemed necessary.
> Governments have the highest contingent of intelligence agents and covert operatives of any gang and utilize these resources to infiltrate and instigate violence and control competing gangs.
>Governments spread terror and grief across the planet through their tactics, threats and policies, while seeking to legitimize their authority through propaganda and violence, leveraging each or both, as deemed necessary.
> Governments establish and maintain strategic alliances, with each other, with corporations and even with gangs, cartels and other criminal enterprises in order to retain their power and ability to extract wealth, extort and rule their subjects. Some simple examples are Trade Treaties (now termed “Partnerships”), War Alliances and the Iran Contra affair.
> Governments, especially the US, force populations to accept and transact with their currencies which is indistinguishable from counterfeiting. Beyond allowing and promoting various loan shark tactics, Governments have established the entire body of rules by which local and global financial systems operate, transferring wealth and profits to networked partners while forcing their populations to absorb and mitigate losses realized (bailouts).
Governments are the greatest and most nefarious malevolent gangs upon the planet. Is it any wonder that other gangs germinate under such an environment, in opposition? The most glaring question I have, is why this isn’t the first recognition and foundation of our discussions and debates regarding gangs and their violence. The answer is also self-evident, inasmuch as most of us are complicit in retaining and maintaining Governments, through compliance and participation, as we enable the beast through our tithes, through voting, through seeking and accepting the scraps (welfare, unemployment, grants, tax “refunds” and social security, to name a few) tossed to us and through staffing their institutions and militaries. There is no judgment or criticisms of individuals being levied by this paragraph, merely reflections on the truth regarding gangs and governments, which currently are the primary game being played and parlayed, by most of us, really, by *all* of us. It may be productive to be honest about this, which is the ultimate expression of the Stockholm Syndrome and getting cozy with your captors.
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