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Waco WTF?
Jim Fry on The Modern Barbarian Media Circus
© 2015 James LaFond
Jim, I'm going to live in a storm drain for few days incase posting this gets my door kicked in.
Waco WTF? (Part 1)
I've been immersed in this incident since it began, seeking truth beyond speculation and propaganda spewed by the much of the media. Here are a collection of my evolving thoughts, written since the incident on Sunday.
2015-05-18 (Monday)
I recommend watching 100% of this video before proceeding:
I'm about a 100 miles from Waco currently and I'm sensing, feeling and intuiting that the purported atrocity at the Twin Peaks Biker / Gang mash up was yet another deceptive narrative, including a variety of stagecraft, proffered for our collective digestion.
While I research and scribe my impressions (before these critical 36 hours from moments of incident evaporate, where all is subject to be scrubbed) I'm deeply curious what others perceive. When the story is so full of holes, contains jerky connections and when the black cat stutters, flickers and briefly walks backwards (reference the scene in the Matrix), I simply can't ignore the evidence as it presents. False Flag / Stagecraft or genuine unfortunate scuffle, death and concomitant consequences?
The single most curious media drop I've encountered so far, is this video, which feels as crafted as it gets, though, curiously outside most of the mainstream. Having personally known many bikers, nothing about this scene *feels* genuine.
Where are the social media video drops as people seek their 15 minutes of fame. Where are the interviews with witnesses that barely escaped, or those seeking to purge their traumatic experiences? Why, doesn't any portion of this equation equate?
Note on the video: Obviously, most Law Enforcement would never tolerate such exposure, or potential risk, from a video drone which wasn't under their control. So, why is it out there on the internet, on an obscure link (seen so far by just 300 viewers), yet not also picked up by big media, or offered by the Waco PD, as it seems to show Waco PD in control? Why? Why? Why? (( 2015-05-20 Update: This video now has over a quarter million views and brief segments of it are now incorporated into many mainstream media clips. ))
Let's approach this from a business point vantage: In a chaotic circumstance, with approximately 200 bikers and maybe 20 LEOs, is it a more advantageous wager to flee and remain out of State custody or quietly drop arms and submit oneself to incarceration? With a one million dollar bond level for some, if not all of those arrested, it seems that at least some would flee (maybe some did, yet no single mention of that has been published that I've seen), simply from a potential ROI/Business perspective.
If you have a police drone ready to record your good behavior as you arrest so many (no brutality, no excess force, et al), why the fuck would you not have that unit recording during the actual confrontation (or if you did, not present it to the media to document the atrocious behavior by the alleged perpetrators justifying their deaths)? As documented across several official stories, 12 to 18 LEOs (most or all, SWAT) were onsite in advance of the incident, and further, they assert they refrained from opening fire until they were fired upon. These statements lead to the following important inquiries: How exactly did Police, in a 1 to 10 approximate ratio escape unscathed, and, how were they ever fired upon at all if they were following covert shielded sniper/SWAT tactics, unless they fired their weapons revealing their locations?
Thus far, there are 25 mug shots posted for some of those arrested and no appreciable interviews or witness videos, a full 24 hours after the incident. What other recent shooting incident has less coverage?
WACO WTF? (Part 2)
2015-05-19 (Tuesday)
The overhead video appears to be taken from a drone. This video appears to first have been posted on YouTube the day of the incident, by "SR Videos" and originally contained a repetitious digital warble sound with a host of pops and clicks, versus the music currently accompanying it. This video, as many have noted, presents an extraordinarily compliant group of purported bikers being patient while they await further processing and arrest. Curiously, several if not most are not restrained initially, in any way, even though the zip cuffs were available. Further curiosity in the fact that some limited segments of this overhead video began to be included in mainstream media videos, but not until the next day (whereas, it was posted on YouTube the day of the incident).
As many have noted, near every available image presents bikers in what appear to be their Sunday best new pristine leather. Further, of the approximately 50 (of about 200 arrested) mugshots presented to date, not a single image presents any evidence of injuries which may be anticipated in a chaotic melee, brawl, gunfight or scuffle. Not a single facial injury, across 25% of those arrested? (( 2015-05-19 Update: In the last round of mug shots posted, one had a gauze bandage on their face and a few had deeply bloodshot single eyes, but without initial black eye bruises developing. ))
There are only a few purported witness interviews across the web and no social media based individual accounts with original images or videos that I've encountered. The interview of the woman that purportedly found shelter in the cooler feels staged and not what I'd anticipate from someone that had recently experienced the purported intense life threatening circumstances alleged. From experiences as a past fire fighter, most witnesses to intense circumstances, especially those that encountered genuine life threatening ones, behave much differently from this woman.
The interviews with a single Waco PD representative all feel efficaciously scripted and staged. I've worked with a lot of LEOs in the past and few speak as fluidly, and none spoke that fluidly consistently, especially in times of high stress, such as may have been anticipated during and shortly after such an intense gunfight.
Eventually, there will be published arrest records, possibly full autopsy reports, grand jury documents and similar State provided items that will be available for dissection, but on the surface, everything about this incident and the way it has been presented feels like an obfuscating patina to me.
We'll see, if we're not all enraptured by a fresh incident within three days, three weeks and three months. In any case, while I don't feel informed sufficiently to form a qualified hypothesis to what agenda is in play and parlay, it sure smells like there are several being crafted simultaneously on this deal.
Getting Cozy with Your Captors
guest authors
Across the Windmills of My Mind
uncle satan
by the wine dark sea
night city
menthol rampage
the sunset saga complete
on the overton railroad
broken dance
Jim Fry     May 20, 2015


I trust you'll have liberal visiting hours and potentials for conjugal visits in the storm drain, but recommend, your readers all refrain, from rain dances. It is not your time to be flushed, as there's still story to be scribed!

I've cycled back and forth across the decades regarding how much to expose myself and which lists I'm subjecting myself to being on based upon my writings. Clearly, I've not swallowed the propaganda and refuse to subscribe to most official narratives.

Funny thing, until a couple years back I wasn't sure if I'd taken my expressions "too far" and was on the NoFry No Fly list. I wasn't and was permitted to fly on a commercial airline after refusing to subject myself to TSA for many years. That particular gang chapter either failed to properly index me / assess my subversiveness, or may have checked and gave me a pass for previously working for Tom Ridge and Homeland Security as a volunteer firefighter. Damn, I wish I still had my certificate, it might be fun to keep in my car and display under tense circumstances.

Currently residing near Waco, the observant reader may note I've not directly addressed or commented on the purported biker gangs or their members. This isn't actually because of security concerns, but because I'm frankly no longer sure of what players or actors are filling which roles, beyond the uniformed Government Gang members. I lost my scorecard and to date, I've simply not encountering first hand credible stories from the biker community itself to even determine if there were genuine bikers there, if some lost their lives and if other were arrested. Clearly, these facts will seep out, however, as I've inquired, will we be paying attention or distracted by new injected power play narratives to unravel?

Some may read this and discount my perceptions as bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist comedy, yet, we've now had so much revealed about past incidents, of various natures, that discerning analysis demonstrates that you don't need to have hundreds knowing what your agenda is to pull shit off or keep them all quiet - just give the rank and file a narrative they may believe in (patriotism, terrorism, drug war, et al), pump the propaganda and let the crisis unfold, leveraging every opportunity to, well, leverage every opportunity to spin and weave your elected covert agendas.
James     May 24, 2015

I'm back—never doing it again. The storm drain totally sucked.
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