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‘Fueling A Phony Sense of Oppression’
Feds To Sink 163 Million Dollars Into Inciting More Unrest in Baltimore
© 2015 James LaFond
As it stands in Baltimore police work is excluded in one third of the city unless a tactical squad is on hand. Stay tuned as the balkanization of an American ghetto continues to enjoy federal support, even as the local politicians get thrown under the proverbial city bus by their nefarious masters.
This morning I was on the back of the #55 bus with a gang member, a senior thug of perhaps 25, heavily tattooed with tags, as he discussed his part as the liaison for an East Side gang, in working out West-East distribution. It’s been 15 years since I listened to gangsters conduct business above a whisper on public transportation. I am pleased that the Chicago MÕ½latto has authorized subsidies for my favorite live action crime drama.
"Matthew Vadum, an expert in left-wing activist groups and the author of “Subversion, Inc.,” warns such federal funding invariably finds its way into the hands of progressive activists who personally profit from increased community tensions."
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According to this webzine article federal funds that are supposedly being infused into Baltimore to build and repair relations between the police and disgruntled citizens, are instead being funneled to left wing riot organizers such as Al Sharpton. For more on the astonishing charge cited in the subtitle above click on the link below.
I personally think this is brilliant politics on the part of the White House, as local unrest can only strengthen the federal position.
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Jim Fry     May 21, 2015

Ding - I'll take "Update the Colloquialisms" for $2,000 on this daily double Alex!

A: "Follow the power, since it leads to the money."

Q: What is a more realistic version of the phrase "Follow the money.", given the politics in parlay?
Jeremy Bentham     May 21, 2015

Spot on analysis by Moonbattery! Whatever is wrong, you have to throw more tax money at the problem, don't you? That is The Woman's way. The Woman always needs federal money to create more cushy patronage jobs for her minions (especially as the tax base of the city disappears). If this follows the pattern of Chicago, expect to see gang leaders placed on the city payroll as special advisors, youth counselors, ministers without portfolio, or whatever. Now you know what the hidden agenda was, why the city government held the police back and let the rioters run wild. It's all a big extortion racket. Help we need money to fix the urban unrest! Historically Leftist agitators, both black and white, have always wanted more federal government control over the states and the major cities. Among other things they always believed that if the states were allowed to have their own way, they would bring back the "Jim Crow" laws. Especially former slave states like Maryland. At least that is what they have persuaded the black community at large to believe. But hey, the harassment and "murder" of black men by the police in Baltimore and elsewhere just proves that that really is a clear and present danger, doesn't it? Vote Democrat: we hate the people you hate and we'll punish them for you!
James     May 24, 2015

I now see the point of your 'Woman' construct for describing the political racket—it's just like being married to a gold digger who keeps insisting you adopt sons from inner city orphanages.
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