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‘Smart White Folks?’
Who, How, When & Where, and How to Get You Some More, by T. Spoone Slickens, Inquire
© 2015 T. Spoone Slickens
“No Mai’K’law, the title following my name is not inquirer, which would merely be a tiresome busybody, but Inquire, or one who personifies the spirit of inquiry.”
“In regards to Mi’Shaka’s suggestion that an oppressed hoodlum, such as himself, might rise all high and mighty above the heights aspired to and conspired from by the likes of George I-Got-Me-An-Ivy-League-A-Because-My-Daddy’s-White-With-A-Capital-W Bush, by enslaving himself some of the smartest white folks to fall from the Ivy Tower-clinging vine of rarified society, I have prepared the following course for your dubious enlightenment.
“I know it ain’t White Wednesday, Tuaca Tuesday. But I, T. Spoone Slickens, promised you young hoppers an extension of yesterday's lesson, and, as a negro of my word, I’ll have your young ass know that it’s so!”
Monitor, Monitor, on the Wall, Who Is The Smartest Ass of Them All?
Marilyn vos Savant, who is the wife of Robert Jarvik, M.D., inventor of the Jarvik 7 artificial heart, has a 228 point IQ!
Factored by pure wattage Marilyn is smarter than the entire Baltimore Ravens defensive squad. And, when you take into account that every black man who you add to a group, draws down the IQ of all black men in that group by 5.8 percentages—and that this shit geometrifies explorentially—then their asses will never beat her in a game of chess no matter how long they sit with their chins on their fists.
And no, Mi’Shaka, she did not have a bunch of mixed race babies so that you can collect them in your vinyl upholstered seraglio. This points up the problem with reproducing smart folks, namely that they have so much going on between their ears they do not spend the long hours of the night fornicating; which is what dumbass poor people do.
Therefore, we have a dearth of smart folks and a glut of stupit folks.
How Did White Folks Get So Smart?
So how did white people get so smart?
Permit me to condense the scholarly works of W. D. Fard—the many volumes of which would tax your bobbling brains into oblivion—into a succinct history of the origins of the white race.
The black scientists of Egypt, who had erected the pyramids and carved the Sphinx as beacons for the mother ships upon their return, wished to colonize the frigid zones of the earth.
Enter Big-Headed Yakub, a massive-brained man of great intellect. Ole Big Head decided to breed a race of slaves to colonize the misty reaches of Europe and drive the slant-eyed races into the Pacific—I digress, but this is where you got American Indians. The black scientists decreed that the Chinese and other such races could have the Western hemisphere, and encouraged them to migrate in advance of the hordes of ravening white cavemen—bred in great towering vaults in the catacombs of the island of Patmos in the year 5,700 before the Ascension of W. D. Fard, around about 1935.
There was a problem though, with the white slave race—Yakub put his very own brain juice up in those cracker heads! Not only that, but the whites were cross-bred with albino Chinamen and took on that anthill Asian work ethic!
“Now, how is your black ass gonna stop that stuff from blowing back on us?” said, the High Priest Yakuboda, to Big-Headed Yakub.
And don’t you know, Yakub snatched the keys to the last mother ship from the peg below the time clock, and left Yakuboda and the other blacks high and dry—sound familiar to you?
So, let that be a lesson to you hoppers, that the same story that saw the creation of the white man saw the betrayal of the black man by his own—and here our sorry asses are!
When Have People Been Smartest?
This section and the next are indebted to Clifford A. Pickover, a man who God did not overlook when he was neglecting to hand out brains below the Alps—and the Mason Dixon Line.
Basically we are talking about Main-Entry Laws and their distribution. Main Entry Laws are at the basis of all your earthly gadgetry from can openers, to condoms to space stations.
Their historical distribution is like so:
250 B.C.-1700 A.D…. 20% [10 laws]
1700-1800 …………….. 12% [6 laws]
1800-1900………………. 60% [30 laws—obviously had us some smart white people fucking back in this time]
1900-2000………………..8% [with but 4 laws—and built on the others at that—what we have here is obviously, a failure of smart white people to copulate! Tesla, for instance, was brilliant—and had not a child, not even a woman with whom to make an attempt!
Where Were the Smartest White People Born?
Nation————-Main-Entry Laws
Italy….…………..1 [that must be a typo!]
Switzerland……1 [clocks]
United States…1 [football]
Hungary………..1 [the bra]
Greece…………..1 [Archimedes, smartest man in human history, butchered on his front lawn by another white man while he was figuring out how to talk to God with numbers.]
*Dropped more bombs on this joint than any place on earth this side of Vietnam—God only knows how much genius sperm got firebombed in that mess.
White Soul Driver End Time Action Plan
If any black man finds himself in possession of a post apocalyptic nation—or even a city block—I say to him, do not put on hockey masks and run at each other in armored dune buggies fighting over the last bit of oil, but find yourself some smart white men, and match them up with some blonde haired white women—just to make sure there ain’t no negro genes up in there—and get their narrow asses to breeding! It worked out just fine for Noah. You could build yourself an Ark too, stocked two-by-two with the smartest white people, so when God throws a comet this way we might be able to do more than pray.
Midnight Scribations
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Inspector Ratchet #1
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Jeremy Bentham     May 24, 2015

Idiocracy: President Camacho Addresses White People.
James     May 24, 2015

The first 10 minutes of this movie was some of the most accurate fun I have seen.
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