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Ark Detroit
Jeremy Bentham’s Biblically Inspired White Working Class Resettlement Plan!
© 2015 Jeremy Bentham
“The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.”
-Revelation 9:20-21(NIV)
In the original Greek of the Book of Revelations the word used to describe “magic arts” or “sorcery” is “pharmakia”, from which the English word “pharmacy”, referring to the study of drugs and medicine, is derived. In ancient times making “magic” often involved the use of drugs and potions that gave one supernatural powers, such as the ability to foresee the future, talk to the spirits of the dead, win an athletic contest or make someone fall in love with you.
Therefore, some modern biblical scholars have surmised that in the end times people will not only not repent of their murders, their sexual immorality and their thefts, but that they will also be unrepentant of their drug abuse.
Not that we intend to be preachy or judgmental or anything here. I’m just sharing some interesting trivia. Like Queen Elizabeth I, I am perfectly willing to let other people go to Hell in their own way.
Escaping the Work of Their Hands
I recommend that all the working class white people living in Baltimore move to Detroit. Colonize Detroit!
On the down side Detroit is, like Baltimore, a crime ridden hell-hole with a majority black population (about 73%) and the city is completely broke having been mismanaged by Liberal Democrats for over fifty years. It also has much colder winters than Baltimore.
On the plus side you can buy a house there for a hundred bucks. You can amuse yourself by golfing your way across the uninhabited regions of the city (of which there are many):
And last, but most importantly, the gun laws of the state of Michigan are much more "liberal”, as in guaranteeing ordinary citizens the liberty to own and use guns in self-defense. This makes for a much more level playing field than currently exists in Baltimore. The concealed carry permit in Michigan is “shall issue”, meaning if you have a clean record and you take the required safety classes you cannot be denied one. Consequently the employed citizens of Detroit have racked up quite a body count recently against home invaders and carjackers:
Why live where the law requires that you be defenseless? In Detroit you can fight back, survive, and maybe even thrive eventually. You’ll be like the Cossacks of Imperial Russia; independent warriors homesteading in the lawless borderlands. They’ll write songs about you.
There’ll be plenty of black people there you can buy your dope from too.
At this point the only way to set up conditions for positive change in Baltimore and in other similarly afflicted cities is to use the Leftists' own play book against them. Pull a “Cloward and Piven” and collapse the system.
Once the population of Baltimore reaches 70% black, its economy will likely cease to function (if it has not already). It will lose its major financial houses and all its convention and tourist business.
If I were a white policeman in Baltimore, I would leave as soon as practical, because it will not be long before the city will be broke and unable to pay the generous pension that you were promised. Join a police force somewhere else, soon. Years later, after Baltimore has collapsed and the Lefty government and their hood-rat minions have been much diminished in power and influence, you can move back and reclaim the city of your ancestors.
Inspector Ratchet #1
guest authors
To the Place of My Inception
song of the secret gardener
dark, distant futures
logic of steel
night city
your trojan whorse
by the wine dark sea
Carmella     May 24, 2015

Detroit used to be, according to my grandma, the Paris of the Midwest. I think pioneering D is a great idea for those with an adventuring spirit!
Jim Fry     May 24, 2015

GAWD, you went >there<?

To the place of my inception and first, imprinted impressions? Fine. Detroit was the soil of my first 23 years. Majestic and malevolent, all, juxtaposed ...

For those w/ FacePlant:

Text w/o images:

street walker, street worker, street lurker


yeah, i walked these streets, i worked these streets

back and forth to public indoctrination school

as i watched us each, be individually traumatized

in 31 flavors

yeah, i walked these streets, i worked these streets

growing up scraping for beauty and independence

while we waited for each second friday, to come

to get next script for food, clothes and life

yeah, i walked these streets, i worked these streets

absorbing the trauma, of national guard tanks and foot soldiers

one street over, navigating to battle the emotions brewing

to triumph ov'r hearts, bodies and minds

yeah, i walked these streets, i worked these streets

once covered in majestic elm canopies rivaling Lothlórien

then the dutch beetle, introduced like napalm

to deforest our 'hoods, and enhance surveillance

yeah, i walked these streets, i worked these streets

walking to the factory, to twist 3" nuts, on 3" bolts

perceiving that reality, was, nuts, and bolts

that i wanted, no part of

yeah, i walked these streets, i worked these streets

distributing medicinals, looking for escape and portals

never understanding, i was a member, in a movement

too confounded to even seek for spiritual pathways

yeah, i walked these streets, i worked these streets

embracing, the angst in the music and the times

pondering, the mc5, stooges, seger and john sinclair

longing to be at woodstock, too young to even know

where it was, or how to get, to where i wanted to be

i am, still seeking

with ... incendiary heart
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