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Five-Thirds of A Person
A Man Question from jr
© 2015 James LaFond
I liked your "Tyrone Crow" Living Under Tyrone Crow? phrase; packs a real punch. When did Mr. Gold Tooth become five-thirds of a person compared to the rest of us? Your essays sort of hint at the Media -> White Soccer Mom -> Politician chain of influence. It's like all the Soccer Mom's have collectively done an Angelina Jolie and adopted MGT/Tyrone et al. to their bosom; or like the women that adopt the cute chimpanzee only to have it rip their face off.
Jr, this is a great question, and one that deserves some literary research work, such as the documentation Jack Donovan did for No Man’s Land, where he charts the rise in feminist anti-masculine literature.
Consider my answer here to be merely an anecdote that might be used to highlight the actual research that needs to be done. For now I will discuss this in the same vein as the Under Tyrone Crow article, as an adjunct to The Boned Zone project, which is an attempt to sketch the actual-raced-based violence matrix in Baltimore, in hopes that it serves as a reasonable model for other mid-sized American cities.
A Pair of Boot Strings
I had been in Baltimore city working nights for almost a decade. In the early 1980s blacks were shunned by whites in the Northeast, with the blacks on foot and the whites in cars. I was on foot and white, so became a target for constant threats and attacks from blacks [75%] and whites [25%]. I had, through my 20s, went from being a country bumpkin, unsure of himself, to a creepy urban white who carried a knife and stayed to the alleys to avoid police—the kind of white guy that blacks avoided.
Then one evening I was sitting on the couch lacing up my boots when the wife said, “Oh my God,” and turned up the volume. I was now viewing the videotaped beating of Rodney King in LA.
I could not believe what I was seeing, then it came to me, what this was going to mean to me, and I said to the images of the pigs on the screen, “Thanks a lot guys.”
As I angrily laced the boots, and exchanged the Othello for my bowie knife, jamming it down the back of my jeans and wrapping my extra flannel shirt over it, my wife said, “Call out—don’t go, not tonight!”
For me, it was really that simple: Rodney King, and the riots following the acquittal of his muggers.
Into the Age of Guilt and Anger
From that point onward black males became more aggressive toward me at a younger age.
Cops would now pass blacks up to hassle me.
My educated white associates and relatives, who had once lived in distain of blacks, began to defend blacks in conversation, such as making excuses for their violent actions towards me by pointing out their lack of agency and, and that they are mere abused children of the State.
Working class whites began leaving the city in droves, encouraging me to do likewise, pointing out that blacks were the spoiled children of the State and could not be reasoned with.
The tendency I have noted, in my life, in Baltimore, since the Rodney King beating and acquittal, has been for self-sufficient [the drug addicted ones stay behind and emulate black behaviors] whites to flee blacks in increasing numbers with two different settlement behaviors taking hold once they get out of the urban mixed race zone:
1. Liberals pity blacks as the helpless abused children of the Conservative State. Although they refuse to live in black areas they insist that blacks in mixed areas should enjoy higher status and preference than those whites that remain. This is clearly an elitist guilt complex.
2. Conservatives resent blacks as the spoiled children of the Liberal State. Like liberals they refuse to live in mixed urban areas, and express their migratory angst—for they have all been driven out of their ancestral haunts by blacks—with a more straightforward anger.
It seems to me, that since this point in time—whether by coincidence or design—that the increased academic, media, political and entertainment clout of liberal-leftist-feminist values has settled on the guilt-ridden left side of the political divide, rather than the angry right side.
I find myself in agreement and disagreement with all of the lefties and righties in my life, as I think they are both right, and have avoided—through fear of insanity—the correlation of the contents of their own mind. For the way I see it is that the Urban American experience is like a dysfunctional family. Urban American Blacks are the spoiled and coddled children of the political elite. They are also the brutalized and abused children of law enforcement—who is like the evil step father that the Mother State has appointed to fatherhood over her neglected children. Poor whites are abused only—so, in my mind suffer less indignity at the hands of the Schizophrenic State.
The results are a black population with a sense of entitlement and menace conjoined into one ugly Siamese twin. However infuriating this is for a poor white—who is only abused and not spoiled—it does leave him the stronger. Really, if I were an abused child of a brutal man, the only thing that could make my lot worse would be to also be rendered a sissy by a doting mother. The fact is, our urban black population is managed by the State in the very same way that the worst sort of dysfunctional parents habitually retard their children’s growth as a person.
So, jr, in my life I have seen both the social elevation and emasculation of my hereditary enemy—the enemy that chose me based on the color of my skin.
In the bigger picture, I see a government increasingly seeking control of the majority through inciting the minority.
The societal steps by which the black man of my childhood has been transformed from unwanted inferior, to the feared menace of my adulthood, to the pitied victim that now basks in the motherly eyes of the establishment, are surely numerous and intertwined enough to make the telling of the tale an extensive piece of detective work.
‘MEN’ in ‘Our Emasculated Culture’
the man cave
‘An Alchemist in the Ring’
ball of fortune
the greatest lie ever sold
broken dance
the gods of boxing
the lesser angels of our nature
advent america
SidVic     May 25, 2015

I found this post to be insightful.
James     May 26, 2015


I will be following it up with The Pain of Being Lied To.
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