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The Blue Flu
Police Response Anecdotes from the Last Week of May, 2015
© 2015 James LaFond
The Baltimore Sun—seemingly a newspaper again—is reporting that the medical centers and pharmacies that were looted last month have still not been visited by the police. These companies have video surveillance of men and women using crow bars to pillage safes, ATMs, drug lockers, etc., and the Baltimore PD will not even send a detective to look at the tapes.
Over 300 businesses have filed insurance claims.
Over 50 businesses have closed.
Of 159 fires set it is unclear how many have been investigated.
Demoralized by the mayor who told them to let the city they are charged with defending burn, and afraid to confront blacks for fear of mob violence and DOJ reprisals, the BPD is essentially on strike. It will be interesting to see where this leads as Baltimore-based criminals adapt to an un-policed environment.
Interracial violence by blacks—which is to say all interracial violence—is still not close to the black on black crime rate, with all of the months 30-plus murders suspected of being black on black.
If that changes will whites still sit on their soft hands and whine?
Miss Ezz
"It's getting scary out here. I've been having nightmares about coming to work, afraid I'll get mugged or beaten up. The overtime cop didn't show up for work today, and the police department no longer answers the overtime phone on weekends."
[One of the last white sedan drivers in Baltimore City]
"I went to leave for work on Monday and, when I get to the front door, I see these three guys breaking into my car—they were albino Eskimos, of course. I stand right there at my door and call nine-one-one, speak with the operator, and describe these guys, what they are doing to my car, and ask them to send someone out. She keeps me on the phone until they're done—didn't get anything but change—mostly just damaged the windows. The pigs show up two days later and ask what's up!"
"I was sitting at the McDonalds on White and Belair watching this dude punch the shit out of this girl. The funny thing was, two cops were sitting there watching it too. When 'Dude' was done beating her face in the cops lost interest and drove off.
"The cops didn't come when I called about these hoodlums. Thanks to this dumb bitch mayor I can't even sit on my stoop anymore. Not one of those hoodlums is getting prosecuted for the twenty cops they put in the hospital, so why should I expect the cops to help me out, especially with that dummy not backing them up? Shoot, it ain't even hot out here at night yet. Wait 'til these niցցers start to sweat!"
'Stuck on Stupid'
harm city
‘Dark Patina’
let the world fend for itself
broken dance
advent america
crag mouth
under the god of things
book of nightmares
honor among men
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