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The Deadliest Month
With 43 Harm Citizens Slain, The Baltimore Sun Reviews Harm City's Lethal History
© 2015 James LaFond
Observations on the June 1, 2015 front page article May was deadliest month in 40 years by Mark Puente of The Baltimore Sun
As the Mulattress-in-Chief notes that 189 of the 208 Baltimoreans killed in 2014 were black men, and calls for a stop to "the killing of African American men," the families of the politically un-mourned black women and children, and the unwanted whites among us might take her statement as an admittance of culpability.
Up until the Race Purge of late April 2015, the Baltimore Police Department had three core tasks.
#1 was fighting the drug war against black gangs, which in effect meant that the police were acting as a "God Gang" beating up and dismantling the top black gangs, and thus taking heat off of the lesser black gangs.
#2 was fighting the drug war by arresting drug users, as likely to be white as black
#3 was protecting businesses
At the height of the purge, triggered by the death of a drug gang member at the hands of the police, the mayor announced that business would not be protected. Now, with the police being investigated by the DOJ for their zealous commitment to the DEA drug war, what is there left for them to do?
Businesses are no longer the concern of the police.
Drug gangs are now sacred cows of inequity to be let range the transmigrant narco state.
During the purge the police announced that they could not, and would not, defend citizens and were good to their word. So now that the "protect and serve" myth has been unmasked, what are the police to do? The police are even declining to investigate property crimes against major businesses.
The police merely remain on station as the municipal government's civic guard, to hold media venues and government facilities against the rampaging hordes when another purge is declared by the gangs.
According to the mayor the only civic priority seems to be protecting the lives of black men, who make up the same vast proportion of victims, murderers, rioters, and purge troopers. This makes as much sense as the U.S. going into an Islamic nation to protect Muslims from Muslims.
In any case, as the ineptitude rolls on here are some numbers dredged up by The Baltimore Sun, which has suddenly been called upon to be a newspaper again.
Baltimore Homicide Sampler
Bracketed notes are mine.
2015, to date: 116 homicides
May 2015 homicide rate per 100,000 population: 6.1
May 2015: 43 homicides [heroin & crack turf wars]
August 1990: 42 homicides [crack & heroin turf wars]
August 1972: 45 homicides [heroin turf wars]
December 1971: 44 homicides [heroin turf wars]
1. The high killing in 1971-72 came with the ramping of the heroin trade, and in the wake of recent unrest in the form of the 68 riots.
2. I infer from [1.] that we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg as far as the effect on local crime patterns stemming from the defeat and emasculation of the Baltimore Police Department in the recent purge.
3. As indicated by the lethal shooting distribution outside of West Baltimore, and the three men shoot to death in Eastside shootings on Sunday, the mayoral and police brass focus on West Baltimore is propagandistic and meant to deflect the reality that upscale Eastside enclaves are now beleaguered communities, and will be hit the hardest in the next purge.
4. August
‘Dark Patina’
harm city
‘Life Under Tannika Crow?’
fiction anthology one
dark, distant futures
uncle satan
blue eyed daughter of zeus
by the wine dark sea
on the overton railroad
solo boxing
Ishmael     Jun 1, 2015

Where's Robo Cop when you need him.
James     Jun 3, 2015

Hopefully getting refitted!
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