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‘Strangling Whatever Survives’
Julius Evola - LOST INTERVIEW w/ subtitles
© 2015 James LaFond
Thanks to The Solar Warrior YouTube channel and the Radix Journal webzine I was able to view Julius Evola’s unpublished interview. I would encourage the reader to also check out the Radix Journal at this link
I know nothing about The Solar Warrior channel. They did insert a 4 minute intermission in which their spiritual agenda is encapsulated.
Whoever interviewed Evola here was familiar with his canon. The Baron strikes me as an Italian Joseph Campbell in many ways. His using of Hesoid’s four ages as a social construct is refreshing to me, untrusting as I am of modern constructs, all seemingly built upon a self serving global base.
Pinning down and understanding a mystic like Evola is tricky business, because he, as a shamanic figure, is really interested in the substrata that the political and theological, and often philosophical, spheres of discussion seem to overlook, as if, due to some perverse magnetism that draws them to the most banal poles, they take leave of him like zombie cadavers repelled by an inquisitive flower, abandoning him to his own unique view.
Unlike most of his intellectual peers, Evola prefers the “red color of fire” over the “white color of contemplation” when searching for the meaning of life at the center of the human world. Perhaps his greatest contribution to active contemplation on “the red or warrior path” is his admonishment to “ride the tiger of modernity” rather than fight it. Even as he characterizes modernity—represented to him in 1971 as a two-headed beast consisting of [American] capitalism and [Soviet] communism, intent on strangling whatever was left of Western Culture after WWII—as an “Age of Complete Dissolution,” with his work being in itself a “Critique of Modern Civilization.” He seems disdainful of all that we worship in our gross lives, and to regard “modernity” as such a reprehensible destination for humanity’s potential, and so utterly unsustainable on a spiritual level, that he advises outlasting it, with the calm resolve of the shaman that knows that the eater of his people will one day be a broken-toothed beast with nothing to savor—ripe for the kill itself.
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