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Black Nazis on White Wednesday?
Links to the Most Unlikely Historical Literature
© 2015 James LaFond
Of the many myths about WWII perhaps the most tenacious is that it was a war between blonde death cultists and secularized brunette martyrs. Despite the fact that the handful of evil twerps that ran the entire German nation like they were co-directors of a horror movie set were notably nerdish, non-athletic dark-haired runts, Nazis—and their soldiers—are remembered as a brutal legion of blonde race warriors—Vikings with crew cuts and machine guns.
WWII was many things, but largely, even predominantly, was a war between globalism and nationalism. The allied side was predominantly of global orientation—capitalists and communists—and were destined to fall upon each other like wolves as soon as the nationalists were squashed. Keep in mind that capitalist, communist, and fascist militaries all experimented together with the extermination of a Basque city in Spain during the Spanish Civil War—so the first agenda on all sides in WWII was erasure of culturally distinct groups.
The Axis side was split between European fascists and Japanese imperialists, the latter having a purely racist view of nationalism, and a fanatically nationalistic view of imperialism, even sanctioning the eating of New Guinea natives by out of supply troops.
Thanks to the scumbag leadership of the nationalistic causes and their genocidal measures, nationalism has been forever discredited, setting the stage for the global mono-cropping of humanity. In the end, whichever side won or lost WWII, the end result was destined to be a worldwide systemic assault on the human soul. Therefore, in this reader’s mind, it is of great interest that evidence of culturally distinct people fighting on both sides of this hellish conflict remains extant; that despite the leftist global bent of post-modern academia and media, that evidence that WWII was more than a race war is lying in plain sight.
Before you pinch yourself, consider this. Why wouldn’t Indian warriors—born to a fatherland that had been systematically raped by Britain for longer than the United States had been free—not want to strike out at the degenerate pale-faced global cartel of bankers that owned them, and had owned their great, great, grandfathers?
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Jeremy Bentham     Jun 3, 2015

SOCIALISM VERSUS RACISM EXPLAINED (courtesy of J.J. Ray): A young black kid asked his mother, mama what's Socialism and what's Racism? "Well son, Socialism is when white folks work every day so we can get all our benefits. You know, like free cell phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, EMC, free healthcare, utility subsidy, free computers and Internet connection, free food, free clothing, free gifts at Christmas, and on and on, you know? That's Socialism". "But mama, don't the white people get pissed off about that?" "Sure they do son, that's called Racism!"
James     Jun 5, 2015

I love this!
Jeremy Bentham     Jun 3, 2015

“Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.” -John Goodman as Walter Sobchak, “The Big Lebowski”, 1998.

“I know it’s very controversial that a non-white is wearing a Nazi armband. Whoever said you had to be white to be a National Socialist?” -Gabriel Diaz, NYC Taxi Driver, 16 May, 2014.

“It seems an obvious conclusion, then, that the constant Leftist excoriation of Hitler and the Nazis stems not from the unique horribleness of Nazism but has as its main aim an effort at camouflage—an effort to disguise or hide from public awareness the real kinship that exists between Nazism and other forms of Leftism. Modern-day Leftists do not want people to know that Nazism is their ugly twin. They just cannot afford to have people realize that ALL the great mass-murders of the 20th century were the product of Leftism.” - John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.) Brisbane, Australia, Dissecting Leftism BlogSpot

Superb topic James. But the reason Nationalism was discredited in favor of Globalism is because the Nationalists lost the war. The winners write the history books of course. From the German perspective France invaded Germany many more times in the past 500 years than the other way around, yet all the blame for both World Wars was pinned on Germany. The Globalists were represented by the Communists (Stalin), the Imperialists (Churchill and the French) and the Progressives (FDR). One should not forget that when World War II started the Communists were on the side of the Nazis. The Communists even sabotaged the French aircraft industry in 1940 to help the Nazis. American Communists were pro-German and isolationist, UNTIL Hitler attacked the Soviet Union. The Vichy French sided with Germany as well. As J.J. Ray has observed, the modern radical Left went to great lengths post WWII to distance themselves from the Nazis, and the Italian Fascists, falsely portraying them both as right-wing movements rather than the left-wing Marxist inspired movements they really were. In particular the Left would have us believe that the Nazis were a “sui generis” (a one of a kind) movement because of their authoritarianism, militarism, racism and genocide. But those become features of all Leftist movements, sooner or later. Western Leftists even labeled the movement with a snarky, dismissive nickname, Na-Si”, rather than use their proper name, National Socialist, in order to further disguise the close relationship. The fact is Nazism is indeed the ugly fraternal twin brother of The Woman. The Nazis represent hard, masculine totalitarianism; The Woman represents soft, feminine totalitarianism. Either way you end up under total control and domination; step out of line and you suffer consequences you do not want to suffer. A major difference in philosophy between the National Socialists/ Fascists and the “international socialists” / Globalists (i.e. Communists, Progressives, Social Democrats, Fabian Socialists, et al) was that the National Socialists did not believe that socialism could work in a multicultural / multi-ethnic country. “We deny the existence of two classes, because there are many more than two classes. We deny that human history can be explained in terms of economics. We deny your internationalism, because it is a luxury which only the upper classes can afford; the working people are hopelessly bound to their native shores.” (Benito Mussolini, 21 June 1921). Likewise, Hitler believed that socialism would get the most support from the people of a racially homogenous country; people would be more willing to share and get involved with others like themselves than they would with people who were of a fundamentally different race, language and/or culture. "There is no socialism except what arises within its own people" (Adolf Hitler, 1939).
James     Jun 5, 2015

The Big Lebowski was such a cool movie!

Thanks Jeremy, great stuff.
The Leveller     Jun 5, 2015

JB is the man! The Mussolini quote alone is gold. Wait till you get further into Spengler and his idea of Prussian Socialism.

Or as the late, great Jonathan Bowden use to say, the only real socialism is patriotism aka leftist/bourgeois forms in the end are only to pave the way for global materialism and then mixing in secularized protestantism and mercantilism its like a perfect storm of self negating destruction. Somewhere Hegel is laughing..
James     Jun 7, 2015

You are not the first to hint to me of Spengler's Prussian opinion, and that it its my current course of inquiry. I have been tempted to race ahead and knockout the book in a few hours, but am using it as a thread to hang the work of the fiction writers of that era that I am studying, so will continue to plod.

Thank you for the head's up.
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