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Interactive History Journal
Reader Initiated Discussions
© 2012 James LaFond
On November 17th 2012 I decided to begin an interactive journal here. My objective is to keep a permanent record of my correspondence with history enthusiasts in this space. Pick your format: question and answer; dialogue; debate; or compel me to add another to this template.
What are you into historically?
That is what matters to me, in this space.
Since I was a little boy I have been fascinated by war and combat arts and the cultural context in which fighters have plied their trade. Thanks to Charles [my benign webmaster]my work in these areas will be available here in PDF or HTML formats as articles and books. My research has focused on the Western World and the Americas in the following areas:
1. Warfare from pre-history thru the 19th Century
2. Pre-modern cultures and beliefs
3. Primitive combat [sticks, stones & knives]
4. Greco-Roman combat arts
5. Boxing
I can’t say I have a favorite historical period or geographic area. I do have my favorite historians though; Barbara Tuchman, Will Durant, Reay Tannahill, Victor Davis Hansen, Robin Lane Fox and Paul Kirchner [a fellow Paladin author].
If you are fascinated by the past feel free to contact me and request an article on a certain subject within the areas I have outlined above.
If your interest is elsewhere, or overlaps, perhaps you might be kind enough to donate an article for this section.
If you simply have comments or questions concerning any historical subject, email them to me at jameslafond dot-com at gmail dot-com. I shall post your missive here, address it myself, and invite others to do so. I would truly enjoy updating this article with your contributions. Without reader input it shall remain as is.
John Warry & Jeff Burn on Ancient Combat
let the world fend for itself
under the god of things
on the overton railroad
the fighting edge
logic of steel
by the wine dark sea
blue eyed daughter of zeus
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