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‘Girding Your Loins’
Notes on Media Paranoia and Domestic Sabotage from A Utility Worker
© 2015 James LaFond
With the mess in Baltimore this past April our readership expanded significantly. The Jack Donovan review brought many masculinity readers. And Ann Sterzinger’s Graphomaniac article brought a broader base of readers, as well as our first real influx of fiction readers since the beginning. The fact that one of the few people covering the Baltimore Riots without a media filter was this here crackpot brought at least five readers who seem to be involved in utility company operation and management, and a high influx of information technology experts. The email below comes from a person that works for a rural utility. Such people understand more about our social infrastructure than us urban apes have generally considered, as our social system is weighted towards ignorance of the masses. All the politician wants you to know about the power grid, is that when she says everything will be alright, that you believe her, and that some redneck in a utility truck will make it so.
[In reference to Want To See Some Real Riots? ]
This is what I meant about girding your loins.
About 7 years ago we trained as a [deleted] company on emergency protocol. We rehearsed the earthquake. EMP, terrorism scenarios, but the one that got my attention was domestic sabotage. We were asked to come up with ideas on how to take down water systems. I think it scared the shit out of some people in administration. Your utility's are wide open, the problem is they are afraid of the operators too—we came up with some scary stuff. You never let educated rednecks time to think! They have seen both sides of the tracks, especially the military trained operators who now work in the utility companies.
We have first response badges we carry in case all hell breaks loose. We built these systems. Of course we know how to destroy them. But why would a sane human want to harm innocents, especially children? This is the problem with paranoia and the media, they work people, to sell, or watch their programs, but after reading some of your articles it makes me wonder too.
Best regards,
The utility companies: like power, natural gas, water, all know of the perils of sabotage. It makes my blood run cold, to think about it. But how can you cover all the bases of a vast network of interconnected systems. I don't know why we haven't been hit yet? The East Coast would be in deep trouble! Imagine no water or power, say for minimum of 2 weeks, any longer will bye-bye.
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Maureen     Jun 7, 2015

Wow you write a lot. You write faster than I can read it. Have a nice day!
James     Jun 8, 2015

I had some help with this one.

Have a nice sunny day out their on the Left Coast.
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