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Martha and the Media Torch
Sam Dickson: "A Benediction for Heretics"
© 2015 James LaFond
Thanks to VDare for the heads up had through the link below sent by a supporter:
“We all have the soft spot for the polish catholic grit. Reminds me of how you could not wrap your head around the attention given to dead thugs but none to a woman and baby murdered in the same time frame.”
I am reminded, on hearing this speech, that the ancient Hellenes regarded the spoken word to be truer than the written, the script version being merely a ghostly echo of the true spirit of inquiry. Not surprisingly this YouTube feed seems to be a might sluggish, as if it is being broadcast from the muffled back of the recently reorganized societal bus.
I would remind the race realists that, when dealing with the media, we are dealing with a fantastical dimension infused with less truth than your grandson’s cartoon video game. The criminal who lied to the cops, and made up the entire Tiny Teen Fergusson martyr legend from whole cloth to save his own hide, was a bonanza to the media; the veritable torch that lit the ratings flame that is now the unquenchable fire of urban-unrest race-baiting journalism. The media is perched like a vulture from hell, positioned to ride the updraft into the long American night.
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