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‘Equidistant Drowning Babies’
A White Wednesday Extra: The Racial Parable of Rick Flair Whigger LeBron
© 2015 James LaFond
Last night I was closing a local bar with Mescaline Franklin, who had come into town with additions to my library, including Jack Donovan’s A Sky Without Eagles and Julius Evola’s Ride the Tiger. Quinn, a local black liberal educator was asking me some questions about the Koran, and the upwardly spiraling black-on-black crime in Baltimore that had just taken the life of one of his female students.
Quinn was also interested in my assessment of the mystery of ‘Rick Flair’ Whigger LeBron; the pasty-faced, pencil-bearded, narrow-shouldered, bald, sweat-banded white boy who had brought his pretty blonde girlfriend into Harm City to drink at a mixed-race sports bar while he howled at LeBron James on the TV monitor when he dunked the basketball, and then turned his white basketball wrath on one fifty-something black man after another, yelling at them until they, one-by-one, got up and left rather than engage his hatred. In the meantime this guy is buying Mescaline drinks, making certain the tough looking young white dude at the bar will have his back in case of a fight. Every time this despicable thirty-something whigger chased another middle-aged black man from the bar with his rudeness and hugged his honey, she would cast eyes of desire upon the muscular form of Mescaline Franklin, who did not have a clue.
Finally, after this embarrassment to my gene pool chased Quinn from the bar with his taunts and accusations of basketball racism, Mescaline looked at me, and said, “I have no respect for a white man who worships basketball. That's ridiculous. Wow, that dude got Quinn pissed. Quinn’s a good dude—I’ve never heard him raise his voice and we’ve discussed some heavy shit—black Nazis, even.”
Then Whigger LeBron turned on Mescaline and I, trying to convince us that Quinn was a hate-filled racist and that if we looked into our hearts we would find the same devil lurking there. Not wanting to argue or fight we got up to leave at about 1 p.m. But the race warrior blocked our way and said we had to answer the drowning baby riddle.
The riddle is this:
Two babies are drowning, one white, one black, which one do you save? Any attempt to save both will result in both babies drowning.
Mescaline declared that even though he was a White Nationalist, and that black men and youth were his enemies, that a black baby was innocent and he would therefore try and save both.
Whigger LeBron, in his bogus basketball uniform, declared Mescaline a failure to Humanity, for, as the riddle stipulated, the babies could not both be saved, and any attempt to save both would result in both drowning.
He then put me in his sights and I questioned the riddle. “Which of the babies is closest?”
He said, “The drowning babies are equidistant.”
I answered, “I would rescue the baby whose mother was the cutest.”
Struck with horror, Whigger LeBron recoiled and said, “So saving the baby is second in your mind to the approval of the mother?”
“You told me to think with my guts, to go with my impulsive nature.”
“Dude, you are a barbarian!”
He continued, “Okay, both of the equidistant drowning babies have been left to their fate by absent mothers. You are the only other soul in sight. What baby do you save?”
I pulled out a quarter and threw it in the air as I said, “Heads the black baby, tails the white.”
The coin landed head’s up on the wooden plank floor, and as I recovered it, I said, “The white baby drowns. Although it should have been heads white, tails black, a call is a call.”
The man looked at me in horror and declared, “You’re pure evil dude—you’re not even a racist. No humane person could just flip a coin in their mind!”
And we were gone into the night, after the last call for alcohol.
The City-County Twins
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Ishmael     Jun 10, 2015

James, remember the article about being a coward? let them both drown either way you will be chased down, wind up fresh meat for the media
James     Jun 12, 2015

I haven't thought of that. If you rescued the drowning white baby you would be crucified in the media. Rescue the black baby and you're a race traitor. It's lose, or lose.
Jeremy Bentham     Jun 12, 2015

Best to plead the Fifth to such questions and decline to answer on the grounds that anything you said could be used against you in a court of law. Particularly since these days anyone who poses provocative questions like that in public is as likely to be an agent provocateur for some outfit like the Southern Poverty Law Center, or a police informant, as they are to be anything else. The Woman continually seeks to hold a microscope on "white racism" in order to support her narrative that all problems in the black community are caused by white racism. Got to get the black folk riled up enough to vote for Hillary in the same numbers they did for Barry.
James     Jun 14, 2015

This guy really bothered me, like a woman that won't quit running her mouth. In retrospect he did me a service—delivering the parable for the ages into my hands!

Speaking of the Dixie poverty pimps, I would not want to be lobbying against immigration for all of the tea at Trader Joe's. That Vdare guy has some balls.

And to think that one day I will have the opportunity to salute My—sorry, our—Queen, just like Richard F. Burton
Jeremy Bentham     Jun 15, 2015

Like they say, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a hedge fund masquerading as a civil rights organization. All they do now is solicit big donations from rich Liberals for investment capital and make it look like they are doing something material by publishing alarmist reports about all the “right-wing hate groups” supposedly operating in the country. They even added Dr. Ben Carson to their list of Apparently that flunked the crazy test with a lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum, so the SPLC was eventually pressured into removing Dr. Carson’s name (Hey he’s black, so he can’t be racist or intolerant of alternative lifestyles!).

Well the whole civil rights movement is naught but an extortion racket now, isn’t it? A weapon of political and social domination. Just as the KKK was the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party in the South a hundred years ago, so the 21st Century civil rights movement has become part of the terrorist wing, the brown shirts, of The Woman. Watch out James! The Woman is probably out trolling for white racists to make an example of. You and Mescaline will end up being used as visual aids for police presentations to grade school students. “Children, this is what a racist looks like. If you see one tell a police officer right away.” LOL!

I certainly would not be unhappy to be proven wrong in predicting who our future “queen” will be. Unfortunately, Hillary is still Teflon even after the recent scandals. She will only go away if and when the Leftist news media decides to take her out, like they did with Nixon. Even then Nixon was shamed into resigning, whereas, the Clintons are shameless. Also it doesn’t appear there are any other prospective nominees in the Democrat Party that the media might suddenly decide they like better, as in 2008 when they threw all their support behind Barrack Obama. They appear stuck with Hill. Yes one does seems to encounter a lot of people (particularly men) who say they would vote for “anyone but Hillary”. The trouble with the “anyone but Hillary” crowd is that come Election Day they will vote for nobody at all. They will stay home. So their lack of support for Hillary will not hurt her at all. The 2016 election will probably hinge on which side is able to get the most of its base motivated and eager to vote on the big day. Leftists are actually outmanned in sheer numbers nationwide, but they are frequently better organized and often manage to get more of their supporters to the poll than the Conservatives do. If the Lefties have to load their voters onto buses and drive them to the polling place, that is just what they will do. The Lefties accept the fact that their supporters are largely undisciplined and unmotivated and need to be led by the hand to do the "right thing". Conservatives, Libertarians and the GOP are not activist by nature and thus they all have great trouble thinking tactically about political conflict in the way Leftists are able to do. Well hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
James     Jun 16, 2015

The more I look at the Liberal Left in this day and age, the more I see the ideological heirs of the slave plantations of old crossbred with the Yankee carpetbaggers. This latest batch of information strengthens that sentiment.

Thanks, Jeremy.

Keep the links coming. Your effort is much appreciated. I'm not the only one using them.
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