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‘More than Family’
Neo-Nazi Biker Gangs from Vice International
© 2015 James LaFond
‘A temporary government-funded holiday,’ is how the nearly stoic Vice President of this German Motor Cycle Club describes his boss’s incarceration. These German bikers look like American bikers without the body odor. The one thing they do enjoy is better than average female companionship.
Hey Vice Guys, what does this old crackpot have to do to get interviewed by a Vice babe—if you send the fat faɡɡot with the pencil beard I’m breaking his nose—okay. I want to be properly interrogated by a member of the feminist hierarchy who you ostensibly serve, but who secretly dreams of being my slave girl.
The entire Vice News shtick revolves around two poles of reporting:
1. Send a terrified American mangina to interview badasses in a war zone, generating laughs and goodwill
2. Send a cute babe to interview men who would rather bend her over and put that ponytail to good use in non-warzones.
Okay, for my Your Trojan Whorse readers, go to 9:37 of the video where the babe is interviewing Carlo. So far she’s been talking to the Goth-tattooist political spokesperson. Now she has asked who makes sure the place is so clean, and she gets an audience with Carlo, who I guarantee is the guy that has removed more teeth from rival Teutonic heads than any other dude in the club. Freeze the frame. Notice her pose. That pose says—in babespeak—“I really want to blow you, but I’m afraid you’ll fuck me, and worse, that I’ll like it, which I probably will, so, oh, yeah, how many males of the type who have ineffectually slobbered on my deserving-more-disrespect-than-you-can-dish-out-beasts have you sent to the hospital again?”
At 11:35-6, notice the coy smirk on her lips as she imagines blowing him, when he admits that he will fight and break the law if necessary, after prefacing with a statement on his commitment to avoidance. This is the kind o reluctant ass-kicking machine a girl wants. I hope they get married and have kids.
That is the subtext of Carlo—the Aryаn Nazi Puerto Rican German badass—and whoever she identified as before she got “property of this guy” tattooed on the tramp stamp at the base of her brain.
On a serious note, Carlo is the better interview as he describes how being a ‘rocker,’ as German bikers are called, is an attempt to realize a smaller parallel society where a person can be freer and more substantial. Apparently these clubs had served as muscle for political groups and are o disillusioned about politics above and beyond the politics of their biker world.
He sounds this note clearly when he says, “We find our gaps of freedom within the society,” which sounds like the call of the defiant alienated man to others of his kind, warning that any trust placed in the greater political order is tantamount to buying into a lie.
I get the idea that someone in this club has read Spengler recently.
The guy being interviewed at 13 minutes, who is the treasurer, gives some solid veiled testimony concerning the morphology of masculine organizations. You don’t get this kind of verbally disarmed speech when you send Geraldo Rivera in to do the interview. Babe reporters are the fifth column of the Left, so be careful guys. His discussion on ‘distance from society’ is clutch to understanding combat, lethal masculinity, fractional autonomy, and what I call the Path of the Taboo Man.
On a final note, if the rumble of the motorcycle is not a projection of the lion's roar, and the cringing of ghetto gang bangers and hoodrats on Baltimore street corners when an MC rolls through are not indicative of some kind of racial memory then we are a little heavy on coincidence.
Thanks for the heads up, Dom.
‘Uncle Nasty’
the man cave
Your Stolen Man Song
barbarism versus civilization
'in these goings down'
night city
the first boxers
the sunset saga complete
orphan nation
winter of a fighting life
within leviathan’s craw
B     Jul 3, 2015

Ah, Germany. So nice and clean and orderly, that even their dark forests and whorehouses and biker gangs seem painstakingly crafted by master toymakers. I quite enjoyed the place.

Vice's only redeeming feature is its choice of subject matter (all sorts of scary and dangerous people and places which its hipster staff secretly are envious of and would destroy if they could) and documentation method (sending those hipsters to hang out there cluelessly and ask clueless questions.)

When you look at beautiful German pre-war (the first one, obviously) architecture (the public reflection of a nation's soul,) and the current crop of emasculated German faɡɡots and Muslim rejects inhabiting it, the contrast is striking. The only hope for them to build anything as beautiful as that club the bikers are having their tea and cake at is for people like those bikers to take the place over. They might commission proper architects and builders, or their kids might. As it stands, all you're gonna get is lopsided glass boxes downtown and concrete block projects elsewhere.
James     Jul 3, 2015

'German faɡɡots and Muslim rejects?'

I just want the thought police to know that I did not write that.

My father and brother loved Germany, and like Vince, the shamwow infomercial celebrity said, "The Germans make good stuff."
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