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‘Call Me Ike Turner’
The year of jellyfish by Mencius Moldbug
© 2015 James LaFond
One of the unusually active brains I have recently come into contact with sent me the following link and comment.
It takes a real smart crazy man to wrap this much text around the video imbedded in the article, which is the focus of the extensive piece. Since this is White Wednesday I realize that whitey has probably tuned in to see what this race traitor is spouting about. Let me reserve my comments for the video, which I would like to use as a therapeutic tool to limit white fright about the black menace that is so often the focus of the Right.
View the video and know the following about the mob of menacing black gun-pointing thugs:
1. One of them actually has a smaller dick than you.
2. Most of them wear women’s perfume sold as cologne, so will be easy to shoot in the dark even if they don’t smile.
3. Only five of these dudes can fight.
4. Not one of these guys can actually hits [I'm keeping that typo as it is 'in dialect'] what he aims at beyond three feet.
5. If one of those automatic weapons breaks down or jams—like when you roll box cars in Squad Leader—then every one of these guys would have to pull their limited technical resources to un-jam the thing, with one of them most likely killed or wounded in the process.
6. If we left the entire planet to these hip hop heroes and left them an additional number of women to procreate with, and then came back 10,000 years from now, their descendents would not be attacking us with automatic handguns or AKs, but with sharp sticks.
Thanks for the heads up, B.
PS: On your recent posts about black people's orcishness, I wanted to link you to this blackly funny and extended post by Mencius Moldbug:
White Guilt Delusion
site reviews
‘The Repeated Triumph of Barbarism’
your trojan whorse
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the gods of boxing
logic of steel
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