Robert, who was attacked and seriously beaten two months ago by a gang of black men in the doorway to his home, has been confiding in me about his situation. It turns out that contrary to what the police told him at the hospital, they did not arrest any of the men or youths involved in the attack that left him with a serious brain injury. The Baltimore County Police report he was left is completely illegible. The assistant state’s attorney he spoke to did not seem interested in his case.
His dizziness and short term blackouts have abated. He’s feeling normal, but he’s pissed, determined to defend himself. The crack dealer that lives next door to his rental and led the attack on him, and the four to five “street thugs” that associate with this man are patrolling the neighborhood, trying to dominate it.
The police refused to check out the alley because of the thick underbrush that could be used to ambush them.
Robert cut down the underbrush and called the police back.
The police have not increased their presence in his neighborhood despite citizen pleas.
Robert has decided to be proactive and visit with other white neighbors openly on the sidewalk and in the street, discussing the local crime, and agreeing to watch each other’s property when the other is at work.
Personally, he is declining to speak with or approach any of the thugs, but does make and maintain eye contact.
Robert and his two neighbors, a husband and wife with a troubled 17-year-old son, were speaking about such things in the driveway of their house a couple doors down on the other side from the crack house. The son is “a total whigger, hat on backwards, pants down past his ass, expelled from school, hanging with black guys, and swearing at his parents.”
This past Tuesday night, while Mescaline Franklin and I were dealing with my neighborhood’s own whigger infestation, Robert was having his second beer of the evening with his neighbor when the whigger son, who he described as, “totally out of control,” walked up to Robert and shoved him, challenging him to a fight.
The parents are afraid of this 17-year-old who they have no control over. Robert waved the kid off and the kid said, “Come on old man. I’ll kick your ass.”
Robert retorted, as he noticed one of the blacks who had attacked him, and who this boy associated with, “Your messing with the wrong one. It looks like you’re a couple friends short.”
The boy then shoved Robert, who weighs over 200 pounds, and is short and stock. Robert did a heel sweep on him and shoved his 110 pound frame across the drive way to land on the grass.
The boy then ran inside, and came out with a baseball bat. The parents were horrified and told Robert that they would take his side if the police tried to arrest him for defending himself against their innocent unarmed teen with the bat.
The whigger punk charged Robert in a fury and took a full lateral swing for the side of Robert’s head, “Like he was trying to hit it over the fence.”
Robert leaned back and the bad just whistled past his chin. Before the boy could recover from the swing Robert stepped in, grabbed the bat with his left hand and threw an open hand over hand right to his jaw, which sent him to the pavement. Robert’s palm below the two small fingers of the right hand is bruised.
He threw the bat over the house as the boy got to his feet, and then grapevined his legs and took him to the ground in a headlock until he apologized and promised to cease attacking Robert. The parents told their son that they will definitely side with whoever he attacks when the police get involved.
When Robert let the boy up he looked to the black thug who the whigger boy seemed to be acting on behalf of, and said, “You won’t always be with somebody. One day I’m going to catch you alone.”
The black thug ran off to report to the crack dealer and Robert had another beer with his friend.
I advised Robert to continue striking with his open hand, and to make certain once the police get involved that he describes it as a slap, not a palm strike, which could be construed as a martial arts technique.
I will continue this section with Part 2: Whigger Infestations.
"The police have not increased their presence in his neighborhood despite citizen pleas. "
What should he do? In the old days, you'd burn his house down. If you did that today, the media would be out there posting baby pictures of the hardened crack dealer and interviewing his family who would say stone-faced that he, "Dindu nuffin. He a good boy and always has been."
"Personally, he is declining to speak with or approach any of the thugs, but does make and maintain eye contact. "
Again, what is the right response? I think wearing a ski mask and beating each one with a bat is probably the right response.
"When Robert let the boy up he looked to the black thug who the whigger boy seemed to be acting on behalf of, and said, “You won’t always be with somebody. One day I’m going to catch you alone.”"
It's entirely possible the whigger told the blacks the rental house was available and that they should move in.
We have met the enemy and it is us.
Nice analysis PR.
Robert's problem is he is "caught between two fires" as were American Indian tribes that found themselves caught between the U.S. and tribal enemies.
When I was in this close static harassment situation I hunted my new black neighbors—chased two down the street with a tomahawk, some with a shotgun. Again, all of this could have gotten me in prison. I carried a sword under my coat one week. I had a foot long knife on me for over a year, and was sometimes searched, once the very night I forgot to pack it because I woke up late. It is a miracle I was not busted. I carried a $200 knife hoping that pigs searching me would just steel it so they did not have to turn it in and let me go with a warning. The only way to combat criminals is to break the law which puts us at risk. This is why I see the pigs as my primary enemy.
In the meantime vigilance such as Robert practices is a sensible middle course.
"The only way to combat criminals is to break the law which puts us at risk"
At some point, you're breaking the 'law' but upholding the moral law of self-defense and self-preservation and likely preserving the lives of your other neighbors. Prison is, of course, a possible consequence.
A black neighbor moved in and started trying to move a lot of pot out-of-state. Of course, his associates are a rainbow coalition of losers. I've called the cops on him a few times and put up cameras. We almost fought because I called the cops on him and he came and asked me if I did it and I said, "Yes, and here's why.". I question people who show up at his house. His behavior seems to be dying down and I think he's looking to move out. Then again, he could ramp it up again during the harvest time in October. If he ramps it up, so will I. I've put in cameras to watch him and patrol whenever I'm home. He doesn't like that much. Then again, he's a bitch. So are a set of my liberal white neighbors who think he's just misunderstood.
"The will to survive is not as important as the will to prevail...the answer to criminal aggression is retaliation." -Jeff Cooper.
I know a lot of cops in my town and they're good guys undermined by a mostly-lawless liberal white yuppie population. Whether the cops are a problem or not depends greatly on your location and the surrounding population.
PR, you are fighting the real war, the just war, that to more of us is being revealed even as the morally blind grow more obtuse.
Keep making tactical decisions and you should prevail.
Good luck.