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‘They Always Attack As A Group’
“Everything You Have Learned in School is Wrong” by Baron Bodissey
© 2015 James LaFond
My head is still aching from a vicious backhand delivered by my training partner today—oops, that is now yesterday. The ear still hums and throbs. This, somewhere around concussion 100, helps my clarity—helps me see how and why I hate humanity, particularly the nadir of its spiritual nose dive, which shines in my mind as Sissy White America. I woke to thunder an hour ago, checked the e-mails and read an article linked to me by Dominic, from some webzine dedicated to documenting the fall of the rotten remains of Christendom at the dirty hands of rancid Islam. The enemies of my enemies devour the wicked civilization that sold my ancestors into bondage. Something about one of the two Norwegian boys’ accounts of his schooling scraped the civil crust off of my soul, inspiring the following rant.
I was actually a stupid child. The only thing that I knew for sure was that my parents were even more stupid and that my school teachers and the people who bossed my parents were evil.
As early as third grade I can recall sitting in class killing the teachers in my mind—wondering what would be the best way: the chair, the pencil—stuffing the chalk board erasure down the faɡɡot’s throat?
How long would God make me wait—for I never doubted God’s existence, simply his supposed love for evil—before I would be big enough to begin killing the teachers?
My parent’s God was a sissy, and still is.
I read the Old Testament, of a harsh God, and feel pride for being a man.
My God was a killer, and still is.
I read the New Testament, of rendering unto Caesar, and am piqued by a sense of anger for not being able to dice for that preacher’s belongings while he died on Caesar’s cross.
There was a hippie kid with long blonde hair and hip hugger pants who I saw being beaten on the playground in second grade by a gang of kids as the teachers watched. It was okay to beat up the hippie. I did not like him, but it hurt to see him fighting alone under the watchful eye of the teachers and hurts now to recall his fight. He lost some of his clothes. Hopefully the teachers have lost much more, and in utmost agony.
By the time I was a teenager I was at least angry and defiant enough to reject almost everything I was taught. I knew then that my parents were not stupid, but foolish and weak. It was their job to mold me into a victim.
Violence became my sacred purpose and it saved me.
Violence is good.
Violence is all that matters.
Violence redeems.
Soldiers and criminals are forces for good because they kill, no matter who they kill. So long as men kill—even in service to vile ends—they prevent The Lie from totally extinguishing The Truth.
Killing is the only thing that wakes the zombie human from its stupor.
Occasionally a zombie so awakened becomes a person—might even see God.
I believe these things that were not taught to me. I believe the opposite of what I was taught, because what I was taught was the rich man’s lie.
As an adult I have learned that most of waking life consists of maneuvering the massed slaves of the masters into a lonely position where I could kill them one at a time, and then not killing them, but learning from the mechanics of their isolation.
One day my enemies will kill me and I shall be blamed for it, for putting myself at risk, for not heeding my masters.
I read the linked article below about Norwegian boys of my class being hunted by packs of imported savages, of how the packs are supported by the educators, and I am glad. The weak should be purged. The sons of a sissy race should be hunted.
It is their only chance.
Being the son of a sissy race was my doom and I was only rescued from hell by my savage black hunters, who forced me to evolve against the defeatist creed of my sissy race.
I once trained a young heavyweight boxer. He was attacked numerous times by blacks at school where he was outnumbered 200 to 1. He took a baseball bat hit and broke his attacker’s ribs and was suspended. He was attacked by a bus load of blacks and knocked out three of them. The rest scattered to tell the tale of his unprovoked aggression to their masters and he was expelled—expelled from the prison of his mind; saved by his savage wretched enemies from his sissy indoctrination.
Last Thursday, at 52 years old, with a white beard, failing heart and pot belly, I was hunted in the streets by four young blacks. They did me the favor of reminding me that I am an awakened zombie surrounded by the soulless mind-rape victims of a sissy race—of my sissy race—who are dead and defeated and don’t know it. These savages, who shall hopefully die in some wretched fashion before age 20, have more honor, have more humanity, than my peers, who are either dreaming fools sucking the dick of media complaisance, or drug addicts sucking a more ancient member.
In reading this account [linked below] of white boys being hunted and beaten by savage enemies to the point of actually waking up, I am glad for them, that they will at least have a brief and violent life rather than lingering in the approved abyss as some obediently ignorant consumption vector.
The God I believe in only gives men one thing of worth—an enemy. My enemies are unfortunately wretched things, so I cannot hope to be a model of manhood. But I can at least live a hated life and dream of the truth, rather than wake up dead every morning, believing in the Lie of Love, and dream of the greatest of all lies: CIVILIZATION.
Every civilization falls because it deserves to.
I hope to drag my carcass around in the bowels of this civilization long enough to see its deserved and overdue collapse.
Meanwhile, I am thrilled to read about my sissy cousins across the Atlantic being lucky enough to have enemies imported into their garden of lies so that they might be awakened just before they are killed.
I don’t know what it is like to sleep from birth to death, so am out of contact with the vast majority of people. Dying like that must be terrible.
At least I escaped the worst this world has to offer.
I highly recommend reading about the Norwegian remnant of The Great Sissy Race at the link below.
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Sean     Jul 27, 2015

One thing I never understood was what these foreigners offer that is of more value to the machine then the home bred weaklings and emasculated men? Why feed your sons and offer your daughters to the foreign maases?
James     Jul 27, 2015

The rich whites are feeding the sons of the poor whites to their replacements. The Romans used Germans and the mob to terrorize their population. Wealthy Americans use the blacks to keep me busy saving my ass so I'm not plotting to overthrow them, etc. It is all about keeping those under you threatened by a third party that is beholding to you for recent favors.
CD     Jul 27, 2015

I am astonished by how well and how quickly you write. You're like Phil Dick on steroids—and God knows he was amped up on enough methamphetamine to kill a rhino—or Hunter Thompson scaled to the size of Godzilla. I've read only a fourth of your output (so far) for the day and each piece is pure white phosphorus. My highest compliments.
James     Jul 28, 2015

Thank you so much, CD.

Philip K. Dick is my favorite pure sci-fi author.

The hard part is getting this stuff edited into books. I have three ladies helping me and I still have to edit 70% myself, which means there are typos in my print books. What you see here is mostly first draft chapters for books I am building on the site.

I am still sloppy with my language mechanics, with my one professional editor recently excoriating me on commas, and then letting me slide on using brackets instead of parentheses as a form of masculine expression!

My weekly output has flat lined lately at three 5,000 word days, two 1,500 word days, and two 3,000 word days, which comes to just over 20,000 words per week.

I expect to publish 8 books in Augusta and am thrilled that, thanks to this site and appreciative readers like you, that some of them will actually sell a few copies!

You may want to check out the tag system in the contents box or the index on the web traffic information page.

Thanks again.

Jeremy Bentham     Jul 28, 2015

“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.”- T.S. Eliot, “The Cocktail Party”

“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” - Thomas Sowell

Actually the real motivation that the ruling class in Norway has for importing so many Muslim refugees into their country (Sweden too for that matter) is not exactly Machiavellian power politics. Rather it is much more idiotic than you might imagine. It is not about controlling the common people, they already had their “proles”, their working class, under complete control. Both the Norwegians and Swedes were already one big happy collective family who did what they were told without question. No, the real reason that the Norwegian ruling class is importing Third World refugees is because they find their own native Norwegian people to be boring. Their clothes are boring, their conversations are boring, their lives are boring and they eat boring tasteless food. So the Norwegian ruling class got bored and decided they wanted to shake things up. They decided to make part of their capital city into a vibrant multicultural theme park, complete with exotic, unusual people to look at and all sorts of foreign restaurants, so one wouldn’t be forced to eat boring, tasteless Scandinavian food each and every day.

Then on top of everything else they will be able to pat themselves on the back about what wonderful humanitarians they are for rescuing so many pitiful Third World refugees. If the influx of all these unpleasant, clannish, violent, crime-prone foreigners should turn out to make life difficult for less affluent native Norwegians, that doesn’t really interest the ruling class. That is because, A: they will always be able to shield themselves from any adverse consequences caused by their own policy decisions, and B: being Leftist they are loath to ever admit that they did anything wrong. Having to do so would damage their vain self-image of being smarter than everyone else (i.e. the natural aristocracy). So they will simply change the subject and move on to the next agenda item, rather than ever try to fix anything they ruined. The thing to keep in mind about Leftists is that they are really not that smart. They are muddleheaded and believe in many preposterous things. They are possessed with invincible ignorance. Consequently Leftists cause as much harm by their stupidity as they do out of malice. They DO cause a great deal of damage out of malice, so it can be difficult for the outside observer to tell where one begins and the other ends. The bottom line is that Leftists want to transform their society and any collateral damage caused by their crusade, their Jihad, their holy war to accomplish this transformation doesn’t trouble them.
James     Jul 28, 2015

I'm sure you are right Jeremy.

But, once they are in country, I still stick with my contention that the imported scum serve the upper class whites in the manner that the blacks serve the U.S. government, as mass terror cells with which to threaten and frighten low class whites.
Geoffrey Meert     Jul 28, 2015

I hope things get ten thousand times worse. I would gladly die if I could take all of these bastards with me.
James     Jul 28, 2015

I am in a state of precise agreement, Sir.
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 28, 2015

I certainly won’t argue the point with you James, because in the end the motivation behind the act doesn’t matter. Whether the Leftists caused harm unintentionally out of stupidity or deliberately out of malice, the result is the same: your life is turned upside down by the Leftist policy. If you should dare to complain about it to the authorities, you are treated dismissively, as if YOU were the problem. Just like the unfortunate Norwegian lads in the linked story. Just like the white people in Harm City. In any event, the Left always demands to be judged by its putative “good intentions” rather than on the outcomes it creates.

FYI: the common people are pushing back in the Scandinavian countries. “Right-wing” nationalist parties are gaining more and more votes. Of course, since these nationalist parties are European style “right-wingers”, they support socialism and the welfare state. Except that they support the welfare state as it was originally set up in their countries 60 to 100 years ago; that is to say the welfare state is supposed to take care of the Scandinavian white people living in those countries, not newly arrived refugees imported from Africa and the Middle East, as the Globalist ruling classes have perverted it. You could call it “national socialism”, except of course that term has come to have a sinister connotation. Sweden and Denmark have had to institute austerity programs recently because they ran out of money to redistribute. So they have had to make major cuts to people’s benefits. Even benefits provided to the sick and elderly. So of course the common people now want to know that if it is necessary to institute austerity and cut benefits for citizens, why are their governments at the same time importing millions of parasites and criminals from overseas to live off the public dole? People who show no gratitude toward the host nation and no respect or regard for its laws, culture and native people. Naturally the Leftist ruling parties in these lands are attempting to silence the opposition from these nationalist parties by calling them all racists. We all know that being a racist is worse than being a murderer or a rapist in today’s world, don’t we? It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. What we have learned from this is that multicultural welfare states don’t work. Multicultural capitalist states, like Singapore, CAN work. However, they often have to become police states (like Singapore) in order to prevent strife between those ethnic groups that are economically successful and the ones that are not.
James     Jul 30, 2015

I suspect that the Left initially destroyed Western culture in witless pie in the sky utopian programs that have unintended consequences that any Right-thinking person could have predicted. Then, a second wave of leftists seized upon the unintended consequences to milk some intended results from the mess. All along, I suspect that the supporters of the Left have generally good intentions but are so brainwashed into believing intentions equal results that there is no chance of reaching them.
Bart Maney     Jul 29, 2015

“Men of sense often learn from their enemies. It is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls and ships of war; and this lesson saves their children, their homes, and their properties.”

― Aristophanes, Birds
James     Jul 30, 2015

You've been holding out on me young man.
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