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A Man Question from Adam
© 2015 James LaFond
"James, I thought you coined [as an urban American activity] the term purge. But in one of your recent Harm City posts you quoted a hood rat using the term. Do you have readers among the hood rat population?"
Thanks Adam, I suppose this is as good a time to classify the term as any.
I first became aware of the term in March by watching a pair of horrible Left wing movies about rich right wingers hunting poor blacks while other rich centrists hide in gated enclaves. For what it's worth, the second movie is far better than the first.
I next heard the term, a month later, from Miss Ezz, the Ghetto Grocress, that her store was being targeted by the students of Frederick Douglas High School and three gangs, for a 'Purge' which was taken to mean a hunt for white people combined with looting and destruction.
The chief of Police, Uncle Tom Bighouse, repeated this term to the national press—quoting it directly off of hood rat social media—and was later disciplined for using this term.
The media discarded the term used by the purgers to accurately describe what they were doing.
The media also declined to report any and all accounts of attacks on whites by purging blacks.
The media elected instead, in lockstep with government, to call the activity 'rioting.'
The media has since softened the terminology to 'unrest' and now stands two full steps removed from the truth.
Since then I have heard the term used four times: twice by hood rats casually discussing planned activities, undoubtedly actually consisting of finger-painting for charity at the Special Olympics venue along with poster children from Saint Jude's Children's Hospital.
There is also, in the back of my mind, the memory of an innocent unarmed black youth saying that he was "goin' to purge your ass." I do not recall if that was said to me or someone else.
Also, still nestled in the partially undamaged frontal lobe of my brain, is the memory of a thug mumbling to the police that he and his friends would "purge" if any arrests were made at the food store I work at. This account can be found in The America That Liberals Want.
So far, only black youth have used this term outside of the filmmakers who seemingly inspired their heroics.
As for what the purge means, and the form it will take on in Baltimore again and again [for we have had numerous small purges since the main event at the end of April] it is viewed in the minds of the people who coined the term and live by it, as a means to exact social vengeance on white people by harming individual whites in gang attacks, and at the same time redistribute income from any party who has earned it, including blacks, under the cover of political mayhem.
To offer a clear definition of purge, according to the black Baltimore youth who use it: "attack whites on sight and take whatever you can, from whoever you can, under cover of arson and threats upon the lives of police officers"
Purging is a sound social warfare strategy, which has worked, will be repeated, will work in the future, will become increasingly more successful, and will be adapted to be more effective as the ruling elite permits it's law enforcement personnel to slowly adapt ineffective countermeasures.
One aspect of the April purge that was well-timed was making it at the end of the month when criminally inclined poor have no remaining welfare benefits and will be easily enticed into ancillary looting which will draw the focus of the media and law enforcement way from sweat targets like pharmacies and liquor stores.
This strategy—wholly unknown and undreamed of by the liberal elite—may yet be improved upon by timing a purge for the end of a long month that leads into a month in which the 1st does not fall on the weekend. You see, this week, the mayhem at area markets intensified every day, and crescendoed yesterday with old black ladies in power chairs shoplifting in packs and breaking for the open road in a fan formation with hams and such tucked under their seats. Today, Friday, being the 31st, should have been the worst day yet, with open robberies at bus stops and shoplifting rising to the point of looting in retail outlets. However, since the 1st of August falls on a non-business day, welfare came out today.
The schedule of welfare payments are:
Cash, $250 per dependent, on the first day of the month, or the last business day before the 1st if it falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday
Food stamps, $250 per dependent issued alphabetically from the 6th to the 15th [soon to change to 4-24, distributed by Social Security numbers, which will cause additional clustering effects] which will place maximum ancillary unrest associated with purges from the 26th-31st of the month.]
Watch the moon Adam, and when it looms large know that whoever your local welfare recipients are, that they are primed to attack you for the twin crimes of being born white and having worked to acquire something that rightfully belongs to the Children of the State.
You will know specifically when a purge is about to kick off when there is a news report [or not] that police have been threatened by gangs on social media. Once such a threat is made the police will hunker down and leave us to our own devices. After such a warning I suggest going to war.
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‘in these goings down’
Adam     Jul 31, 2015

The color of my skin is not a crime, nor is it a crutch. I will watch the moon and ready myself, lest I be caught unawares. Should that become the case, then let the weak fall.
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