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'We Did It To Ourselves, Sister'
Two Women on Masculinity
© 2015 James LaFond
Last night my editor called me up to speak about the haka dance video, which is a severely masculine war dance. She said, "Thanks for posting that. I'm going to leave a comment. Seeing something that masculine, from our American perspective helped me realize that we are blended oatmeal. Our gender differences are being erased, and as a woman, I don't think it's a good thing. It got me imagining what it must have been like to be a woman in a warrior society, about how much more grounded such women must have felt. Yet here we are, men trying to be half-assed women and women trying to be half-assed men, with all of our half-assed efforts being measured on only half the human scale—the feminine. I don't want the men in my life measuring themselves against me, but against men. Maybe—with the types of things that your readers are engaged in—we are—some of us—headed back down that two-gender road. I just don't see why it ever made sense to try and join two identical types when it's so much more fulfilling and makes so much more sense to join opposites."
Miss Ezz called me this morning with the first day of welfare insanity report from the largest ghetto grocer in town. The results of our discussion about future looting patterns will go up in Purge?. She then related a funny story about her next door neighbor, who is a masculine female, a fitness instructor who is a mud shark, and rides a full-sized motorcycle. She told me, "This girl comes up to me whining about her experience on I-eighty-three in which she puled over on the shoulder to rest her legs. While she was stretching her bike fell over. Try as she might she could not lift the thing. She was really upset—shocked even, which shocked me, that she was shocked—that no man would pull over and help her lift it. She had to wait there for over an hour, with thousands of motorists passing her, before a police officer helped her."
"She asked me what I thought about that and I said, 'We did it to ourselves, sister. Chivalry is dead because women killed it. Doors are no longer held, help is no longer offered, and it is all our fault, collectively, as women, because we worked so hard to be treated like men and got what we asked for. We are reaping what we have sown. Get used to it. It's going to be harder to get that back than it was to kill it."
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Jeremy Bentham     Jul 31, 2015

A slim chick struggling to lift up a full-sized motorcycle on I-83 in Harm City? That's bait for an ambush by robbers/carjackers if I ever heard of such a thing. No wonder only a police officer stopped to help the woman! On I-80 in Nebraska I might conceivably stop to render assistance, but certainly in any big crime-ridden metropolitan area the most I'd be willing to do is report the woman's apparent plight to the highway patrol/police (everybody has cell phones now). Which is probably what happened in this instance. Not only is chivalry dead, but highway robbery is so common today that people must look to their own safety first. Playing the guileless Good Samaritan can get you and your loved ones killed. These are not normal times. Check out this recent case from Montana: So the Lefties don't like living in the world they themselves created, eh? Imagine that? Imagine how the rest of us feel about it!
James     Aug 3, 2015

Thanks a lot for this link Jeremy.

I know that chivalry is dead in my heart—for I remember having a strong case of it once upon a young and dumb time.
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