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‘Not Raping Mel Gibson’s Wife’
The Care and Feeding of The American Negro by Jacque Negro
© 2015 James LaFond
This is the funniest Sotomayor video to date. I think I broke a rib laughing at this. Mister Sotomayor takes plenty of heat for being anti-black. But if you pay close attention you will notice he is primarily speaking out against black people doing bad things to other black people.
When I first moved to Baltimore and ended up working with a black fellow named Earl, and we decided to pitch in for crabs, he told me about a good place to get them cheap and took me there. On the way he gave me a tour of the ghetto. He drove me down this street in Sand Town [Freddie Gray’s hood] and said, "Look, this is what your tax dollars are going for, fixing all of these places up for my people.”
The houses did indeed look well renovated.
Earl then turned the corner and drove down another street that looked like a cross between a horror movie set and Stalingrad in 1943, and said, “And this is what my people are going to turn those houses into. Three years ago this block looked like that block. Three years from now this block will look like that block—welcome to Baltimore.”
To Dance for the Dead
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