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‘An Empty Corridor’
Postcard from the End of America: Jack’s Famous Bar in Philadelphia by LINH DINH
© 2015 James LaFond
• JULY 31, 2015
Unz must be a Pennsylvania-based webzine inspired by the uniquely Western PA term ‘unz.’ I believe this is the first time a reader has sent me a link to the site, and I am entirely dependent on readers for web searches. I spend no time on the internet looking for stuff.
Thank you, Ishmael.
The link at the base of this page is a wonderful bit of urban oral history by a writer named Linh Dinh, who provides nice photos for the article he did on what seems to be a dying neighborhood refuge for folks who can remember a world before every third person was either stoned out of their mind or going about the business of providing the means for achieving the vaunted Zombie State of Being so valued by our rising totalitarian government.
Do yourself a favor and check out Jack's Famous Bar and other articles in Linh Dinh’s series Postcards from the End of America.
Story Teller Artist
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‘Reality Still Hates You’
night city
fiction anthology one
blue eyed daughter of zeus
shrouds of aryаs
z-pill forever
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time & cosmos
BigMike     Aug 3, 2015

Unz dot com is Ron Unz's site. The Western Pa term is "Yinz".
James     Aug 5, 2015

When I lived in Washington, PA my father bought our relatives from Baltimore blue shirts with white lettering that spelled Unz, which I understand is not phonetically correct as an abbreviation of You-ones, which is what I suspect 'yinz' and 'unz' derives from. I only noticed this spelling in the Washington area and have often wondered how extensive it was. Perhaps it was limited to these handful of catchy memorabilia items. What really killed me about the local dialect when we moved up from Baltimore, where people sometimes said, y'all, was when Washington, PA residents and people from as far as Union Town and Pittsburgh would say Unz-all. The pronunciation of the single word amongst people I knew was typically Unz, one syllable with the emphasis on the U.

Thanks for the information, BigMike.

I really like Mister Unz's website.
PR     Aug 4, 2015

Do black people cause de-industrialization? The reason I ask is that Los Angeles was the largest manufacturing center in the world before the Rodney King riots of '92. Most of the factories that were burnt were re-built in China. The only thing keeping them in the US and in the hostile business climate of California was the fact that they were already here and expensive to move. My dad, who owned a factory in Los Angeles in the '70s, drove around after the riots and found that all the properties that used to contain factories were for sale.

Can't the same be said for the de-industrialization of Detroit? Once black people took over, they cared only for avenging themselves on white people and were likely aided by white organizations.

Commenters on Dinh's site hint that this was true all over the rust belt. Of course, we have the examples of Rhodesia and South Africa as well.

Brazil is one of the most violent places on the planet in terms of per capita murders.

Perhaps my question applies only to the Bantu. There are pyramids in the Sudan and records of wealthy Kushites and Nubians.
James     Aug 5, 2015

I can only answer from my experience as an employee and store manager in Baltimore area retail food. It has been my experience that African American men [not Jamaicans, Antiguans or Africans] tend to be exceedingly poor employees for the following reasons:

1. Four times as likely to fight on the job as white men

2. Twice as likely to argue with you than a white man

These two factors taken together gives you a woman in a man's body who is prone to argue with you, and do so with the option of successfully attacking you.

3. On average, black employees of both sexes require three days off for mourning every third month. The single most notable thing I recall about managing blacks is that about on a quarterly basis a person in their family, or a friend regarded as as close as family, died, necessitating a break from work for mourning.

4. Blacks who are terminated are more likely to win unemployment compensation than whites, and, as often as not, will file a discrimination case with the EOC.

5. Once your black employees move into your neighborhood, then the many unemployed relatives that follow the employed family members around, set up their criminal enterprises in the area, making it dangerous for all of your employees and customers.

It is my experience that a large portion of good black employees will freely state these same facts to those liberal whites who will listen.
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