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River of What?
20 Signs China's Pollution Has Reached Apocalyptic Levels | China Uncensored
© 2015 James LaFond
My man Andrew Metzger sent me the following video links, which pretty much cooked my brain.
Okay, I have recently reached the age at which the internet—I don’t understand this thing and don't know how it knows how old I am, so give me a break—sends me Russian wives ads, Filipino wives ads, and—what really caught my discerning eye—the Chinese wives ad, which had the most subdued beauties.
After watching the polution video, and laughing all the way through it, I began to reconsider my yellow fever. In case you are considering shipping in a Chinese babe to replace that raging American vagina that is making your life a living hell, you might want to consider the prospect of your resulting progeny glowing in the dark!
The second video discusses Chinese knockoffs. About 20 years ago I read an obscure Washington Times article about Chinese artists swarming all over the wares at an arms show in Qatar, I think, even grappling with sales reps as other artists climbed into fighter plane cockpits and sketched away madly.
Check out the graphic on the OFC fried chicken joint in China and see if you recognize the stand in for the old Kentucky Colonel, who happens to be not so old, from Chicago, and outranks the Joint Chief's of Staff!
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