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‘Agency, They Called It’
The Sacred Whore by Rachel Haywire
© 2015 James LaFond
The Sacred Whore is an excerpt from Rachel’s upcoming book and may be read at Trigger Warning through the link below. The author addressed the central issue of every society, which is the question of agency and who has it. The tale is set in 2065 in a world where things have swung so far in favor of feminism, materialism and such notions as transgender rights, that women find themselves back at square one, nothing but the temple whore numbing the minds of the pathetic masses.
There are some interesting nuances to how prostitution might evolve to fill a broader social need. The most interesting aspect is that the viewpoint character views herself as being more anonymous than the downtrodden junky who she dares to show an uncompensated bit of compassion to.
The Sacred Whore comes off as a bizarre take on where our materialistic social cycle could take us.
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Ben Rumson     Aug 8, 2015


I'd like to have untamed sex with the author of "Trigger Warning." She's a real bobcat in heat!! A real good turn-on for a fiction non-liker like me.

Reality check—What a "high buster" e.g., refered article. Whore bitches in charge of the cities, us men, et. al.,? It's a concept that I can't wrap my arms around unless I'm stoned or my wife is hollering at me... I'll listen to a point, then it's game-on.

Can't think of a worse way to begin the next 50 years. Kinda like having cheerleaders joining the Ranger Battalions. Trust my life to Demi Moore running SEAL TEAM 6? No Shit? Just drive a knife through my heart and kill me now.

Dykes, queers, fags have been around forever; some want to be lion-hearted, but they haven't the strength nor the heart of the king of beasts to take charge, even though they try hard. They are women, dykes or fags, for God's sake, and that's OK . Be cool with that and stand down. Just don't let their bleeding hearts fool you into tolleration or dominance.

Sure there are are some bad-assed football players, et al, who are confused with their sexuality, but hit them in the throat with a paralizing punch, gouge out their eyes, or rip on their nut sack and drop them to the floor, and they'll run squeeling back to their momma. They don't have guts to carry on when they hurt a little bit. (Well maybe once or twice). Just hit them again and end it.

They are a bunch of confused people who need to come to reality and face what's dangling - or not - between their legs. Just sayin' from 'sperience.

They'll talk the talk, but they damned sure can't walk the walk usually. Why do "they" feel the need to be someone who they can probably not be? They will unquestionably fail or die trying through the most difficult test periods.

Time to stand up for what and who you believe in. Who's got your back?

Dream on dream writer.

Ben Rumson
James     Aug 8, 2015

Rachel is a doll.

Any such sci-fi concept as this, and the many I have proposed, are all contingent on goons kicking in doors, busting heads, and ultimately killing. Dystopian fiction is a masquerade of unrealized fears that ultimately comes down to, as you said, a "game-on" situation.

In ancient Iraq temple whores were iconic figures for the every day guy, whose life of miserable owned toil was eased by access to women way above their pay grade.
Ben Rumson     Aug 9, 2015

JL -

You made a very true statement about Iraqi whores easing the underclassed man's needs/wants/paycheck in the old days. Saw a few Middle-East gals without their birqua's on. They were drop-dead gorgous. Different story for another day.

While in Germany, during the cold war, whores had small "working trailers" pulled into woodlines to ease the common working men's minds and needs along their trip home. DAMN some of those long legged beauties befuddled me.

Bottom line. women weaken men's legs.

Yet, it's the way of the world. Freeattle's Major Trauma Center's Chief Administrator (a guy) is married to some guy, and most eye-popping nurses (women) have girlfriends or wives, while the mayor of Freeattle (a man) is married to a guy.

Shit, Rachael is on a roll and is testing reality in Freeattle. A serious run-a-mock reality check on queerdom. A world run by women domination or fags. What a concept. She's still a Foxy Little Shit who I hope continues to write (not so close to Freeattle though).

Drive on Rangerette!

Ben Rumson
James     Aug 11, 2015

Ishtar, Goddess of Love, and Shamahat the whore, where the two who tamed and murdered the Wildman Enkidu in our first book, The Epic of Gilgamesh, set in ancient Iraq.
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