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On Bitches: A Caveman's Treatise
A Clinical Dissection of the Modern Female Psyche: Why Women are Screwed Up and How Men May Deal with Them
© 2015 James LaFond & Daniel London
The following is an unsolicited and welcome book proposal from a fellow writer.
By James LaFond and Daniel London
Forward by Genghis Khan, with James LaFond
Introduction by Andrew Dice Clay, with Daniel London
Publisher: "On Your Knees" Publishing, in association with "Take the Load" editing, located in the Bat Cave east of Space Mountain
All Rights Reserved
Brother, I cannot resist.
Permit me to title the chapters that shall constitute my contribution to this misogynistic cause:
The Lonely Man in the Boat
Drowning the Lonely Man in the Boat
Throwing the Lonely Man in the Boat to the Sharks
Rescuing the Lonely Man in the Boat
Enslaving the Lonely Man in the Boat
It is obvious that my theory is that our women are currently oppressed by penis envy and must be returned to their natural place, which is a problem, being that I can only accommodate one of them at a time!
The Caveman's Treatise is a rational investigation into the completely fucked up mind and psyche of the modern day female. From the dawn of time to present day it is intolerantly clear to all men that women are full of shit. They have no idea what they want, how they want it and to what degree. When they get what they want, they get rid of it, yet continuing to bemoan their plight in selected despair at the expense of a man's gracious protection, love and fulfillment. The Cavemen dissect the insanity that permeates the female cortex in irrational and deceptive neurologic dysfunction, to the dismay of men everywhere. All men will cherish this text. Women will hate it, well..........because they are women and they hate everything, unless they actually love it; but that might mean they actually have to make a fucking decision on the IT, whatever they decide the IT is!
‘The Types of Kicks Used?’
the man cave
Feeding The Bitch
song of the secret gardener
plantation america
songs of aryаs
sons of aryаs
z-pill forever
advent america
crag mouth
broken dance
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