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Hos in the Hood
Another Day at The Epicenter of the Baltimore Purge
© 2015 James LaFond
As the store manger at the Mondawmin Shoppers looked down the aisle he saw two ghetto girls duking it out. This was at 11:00 a.m. this morning. When the customers in his store are not threatening staff, arguing with management or stealing, they are going at it.
The combatants were 16 to 18 years old, and "on the lean side. Not big fat mammas. If they are not hanging out of their spandex yet they can't be more then eighteen."
The one young lady had purple hair. As she cussed and clawed and traded thudding punches with the other wench, her baby, perhaps eight months old, was seated nearby in the shopping cart, easily close enough to be knocked over, "screaming its little head off—scared to death."
The police officer on duty—who is required to keep the store from erupting into a total war zone—was a female. She went back to the aisle, took one look at the two girls vigorously duking it out, and retreated, calling for backup. As Butch called this into me additional police cars were arriving.
Since police officers may no longer use weapons to make an arrest of a black person, or even use force greater than that used by the criminal, there is really no way left to resolve violent situations but to let them continue until overwhelming numbers of cops are on hand. This is becoming an even more pronounced problem with people under 18 of any race. Parents are so ready to sue any cop or security person who dares to touch their sainted teens, that two Baltimore area retailers have adopted a hands off policy concerning teens:
1. Teens acting out violently and committing crimes shall not be opposed by staff or management.
2. Teen shoplifters may not be stopped or detained.
3. No shoplifter, strong armed robber, purse snatcher, or looter will have charges brought against them by the retailer.
4. Retailer personnel who have received a summons to testify in court against a criminal who was arrested on company property by a police officer, are being verbally discouraged from appearing in court.
This is the America that Liberals want—only they don't live with it, but in their elven palaces in Rivendale.
harm city
‘Hair-Hatted Hooligans’
menthol rampage
orphan nation
uncle satan
songs of arуas
blue eyed daughter of zeus
son of a lesser god
honor among men
let the world fend for itself
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