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‘Hair-Hatted Hooligans’
'Blacks Are The Zombie Apocalypse!' By Tommy Sotomayor
© 2015 James LaFond
More Black Terminatrix footage from Tommy Sotomayor.
The demeanor of the woman in this video, the confusedly curious observation by her child, the panic of the civilized child, and the knee-jerk fright of the civilized woman are all behaviors that are extremely common in the Baltimore area. I do not know where this piece was filmed, but it is classic black female behavior in urban east coast environments, bracketed by classic white behavior demonstrated by Latinos. The Latino man, however, did not exhibit classic white fright in the face of a breeding queen of the Master Race.
The interesting thing was that this dumb bitch could not tell she was dealing with a Latino. I can tell he is a Latino from his voice alone. This video points up another aspect of black urban culture that I see a lot in Baltimore, that blacks tend to see things in black and white, are obsessed with their relationship to whites and view other races as inconvenient visitors to their free range zoo. In fact, most Baltimore blacks believe that they outnumber whites, and have a hard time believing that there are large U.S. communities and vast tracts of land where virtually everyone is not black. These media-fostered delusions persist even though whites outnumber blacks six-to-one in the U.S! The term ‘minority’ now means ‘non-white’ and is totally divorced from the idea of an ethnically distinct sub-population. It is of great interest, that as the nation becomes increasingly Hispanic, blacks cling to the black-white narrative with such tenacity.
Violence enabling delusions in mid-sized American cities with majority black populations are the rule, not the exception. Below is merely one of many examples of everyday liberal-enabled behavior.
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