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Feeding The Bitch
Three Mistakes That Beg To Be Made On The Married Man’s Path To Aftermarital Hell
© 2015 Daniel London
He just stared in wonderment and confusion. What started as a simple discussion two years ago ended with him saying goodbye to the kids and signing over the home of 24 years to his now ex-wife. Just like that, so it seemed, his life was turning and it was the wrong turn on the wrong street.
All she said was, “Why do you love me.”
He thought, for what seemed like a life time for her, but in reality was only a microsecond. WHY, because I do. Or so he thought. And so he stated.
“I could give you a hundred reasons, but I just do. You are everything to me.”
He clearly thought that would do it, but the confused mind of a fragile female is never something to take for granted in any form. Her form was morphing into the creature he was always warned about, but never knew or accepted as fact. The animal hybrid of destructive demise was thundering her roar and jostling for a battle.
“NO! I want to know, why do you love me?”
Again he thought, but responded from his heart. “I love you for hundreds of reasons, and I love you for no reason at all. I just LOVE YOU.”
With that, he inquired as to the development of this line of questioning, which of course was Mistake Number Two.
Mistake Number One was even thinking he could rationalize a thought or feeling with someone who only existed on thought or feeling. Rationalization requires objective insight. Objectivity does not exist in the future fighting female intent on destructive discussion and debilitating discourse.
Jack loved his wife of 24 years. He thought she loved him. But day after day since the primordial scream of insanity began with an unanswerable question, Jack found Jill incessantly irrational.
“Your answer is not enough. I need concrete reasons.” That was her daily inquiry.
Trying to rationalize this insanity further, Jack listed reason after reason, from the way she smiled to the way she touched him. How she moaned during animal sex, or coyly purred during cuddling time, something Jack despised but did because he knew it made her happy. And, of course, he enjoyed making his wife happy because that’s what A GOOD FUCKING HUSBAND DOES!
100-plus reasons later and still Jill could not wrap her hands around the concept of his love for her. Just like she couldn’t wrap her hand around his manhood like they used to twice per day. Yeah, that stopped to.
24 years of six days a week work. Taking on the second job so she could go to school and earn a degree. Staying up late with the kids so she could sleep for the next day’s exam. Disgusting dinners of inedible food because the BITCH never did learn how to cook like his mom. But he stayed and continued to love her. Take out the trash, fix the plumbing, clean the bathroom and garage, make the money, pay the bills. She could stay home and do whatever the FUCK she wanted and he was fine with that. Just feed him, fuck him once in a while and be his friend. Sound familiar. IT SHOULD! It is a simple recurring theme. He didn’t need much or even want much. Yet she needed and wanted everything. So she got it. Because that what a good husband does….gives his wife the best of everything at his own sacrifice.
IT wasn’t enough. IT became something else, some other need not yet met, and the monster grew, evolved into a creature of despair and inquisitive stupidity with questions like “WHY DO YOU LOVE ME.”
So he asked back in return, “Well, baby….why do you love me.”
The answer……………………..NO there wasn’t any. Not even a burp, fart or even groan. She just walked away in disgust huffing and puffing.
“Don’t turn this around on me.”
Mistake Number Three: Thinking there could actually be a mutual discussion on any topic. Mutual requires and implies willingness. When the woman is not willing, the man is found to hand satisfaction in the basement at his own sexual demise. When the woman is not willing, “FINE” means that everything is wrong, but nothing will be discussed because I AM NOT WILLING! When the woman is not willing, sex becomes a chore as does making a simple sandwich after a long day of work. When the woman is not willing, justification becomes action and action becomes justified. Women do that well. Anything, action or thought can then be justified. WHY DO YOU LOVE ME now has to be justified. Even though it had been for 24 years.
Jill started all the nonsense over a simple question. What initiated that thought in the frontal cortex of the female creature will never be known or understood. Jack thought his answer to be appropriate because it was true and sincere and from the heart. But, unknowingly, it was not an answerable question. Now his heart was screaming as he watched the kids drive away, and he had his own questions.
From one question spurred argument after argument, counseling sessions, weekly, and family discussions. The counseling sessions continued because the counselor continually sided with Jack but Jill could not have that so let’s beat the proverbial dead penis until someone, anyone agrees with Jill.
But no one did, agree with Jill that is. Jack was left to beat his own penis. So, of course she was right, and everyone including enemy #1 (the husband) was wrong. The monster gorged on irrational emotion. Emotion became motion and she motionally meandered her way out of the marriage, only to seek answers to a question she could not answer on her own.
BECAUSE I JUST DO….and that should be enough for any woman.
Somewhere Jill went off the deep end, nucking futs; or so Jack thought. But later he realized that was not the case. She was always crazy, he just didn’t see it. BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING IN LOVE WITH THE BITCH!
On Bitches: A Caveman's Treatise
the man cave
Silence and Violence
by the wine dark sea
winter of a fighting life
when you're food
barbarism versus civilization
america the brutal
Kman     Aug 16, 2015

VERY red pill!
Ishmael     Aug 17, 2015

James, major cause of male insanity, to men that love women. Thank you James Ishmael.
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