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‘Czarina of the Narrative Arc’
Ann Sterzinger Likes Your Languages and ‘The Way They Lead You By The Snout’
© 2015 James LaFond
In this short video, promoting Trigger Warning, my two time webzine Editor speaks to internet readers in such a way as to guarantee that I will never again feel like an old creep for sending her a horror story.
Below is a link to an article by Ann concerning the disillusion of the partnership she was plugging in this video.
‘Fire of the Ancient Powers’
video reviews
‘He Was A Dumbass!’
solo boxing
the fighting edge
the gods of boxing
thriving in bad places
the lesser angels of our nature
z-pill forever
shrouds of aryаs
Sam     Aug 20, 2015

Just found out Rachel Haywire went monkeyshit and ripped off Ann:
James     Aug 21, 2015

Ann did not let on to me about this, other than to say that 'things were getting weird,' and to express dismay that—of the 14 stories I submitted for the dystopian issue—that her pick as editor was vetoed by the publisher for something not nearly as good, without a clear explanation being given. usually—and this has happened to me with print publishers—the publisher will tell the editor why, "like LaFond's insane and we don't need to get sued over this" and the editor will have an explanation for the writer.

Look, what I can say to you young guys, is that although the idea of a group of edgy chicks joining together to produce something in the counter culture realm seems really cool in this feminist age, that I have found, that for a group of women to work successfully together, there needs to be a Daddy figure with a convincing presence or else it unravels.

I can tell you that Rachel did make a donation to my site for the article that Trigger Warning published. The sum was at about 1985 print magazine level. But I do not know what a current established webzine pays and chalked it up to

a first effort to pay writers.

Thanks for the link, Sam.
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