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‘He Was A Dumbass!’
Unarmed NJ Black Teen Radazz Hearns Shot 7 Times From Behind By Cops But Was It Justified?
© 2015 James LaFond
The following news story is, among other things, an excellent argument for wearing a belt! The Media and DOJ are heading in, trying to make Trenton the next stage for their travelling riot show.
Will this get any traction?
Since the hoodrat just got winged, I don't think so. You can bank on this being a huge civil suit.
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B     Aug 18, 2015

That's "dumbazz," I believe, to match the dumbazz name.

I think Sotomayor is discounting the possibility that young Radazz was suffering from a medical disorder which made him run:
James     Aug 19, 2015

Thanks for the link, B.

The funny-tragic thing about Tommy is, if you watch enough of his stuff, you will find out that he is really a black power guy! He really wants to cheerlead for a black unicorn, and perhaps after he winnows down this herd of hoodrats he will find that mythic beast!
Jeremy Bentham     Aug 19, 2015

B brings up a serious subject that is one of those "elephant in the room" issues, i.e. one that is obvious to everyone, but that no one is allowed to identify or discuss. That subject is that there are high rates of mental illness among blacks, higher than among whites and Orientals. No, not "drapetomania" (LOL!), but organic mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder (AKA manic depression) and various anti-social personality disorders such as sociopathic personality disorder. Of course when this issue is discussed it invariably engenders a “which came first the chicken or the egg” argument. That is to say, does life in the ghetto make black people crazy or is it the many crazy black people who make life in the ghetto crazy? The authorities in the UK have observed high rates of black mental illness there as well: The UK did not have African chattel slavery or practice racial segregation, so the high rates of black mental illness in British society cannot be blamed on past history. Whatever the cause this is another reason for white people to avoid verbally engaging with “angry” black people on the street. Like this example of the crazy black neighbor:

This is just a layman’s guess, but I would hazard to say that this woman probably suffers from a bipolar mood disorder and was deep into a “manic phase” at the time the video was made. No sane person would have the energy to rant and rave like that for such a length of time. So there is nothing you can say that is likely to make such an individual start thinking rationally (oh golly, you might have a point, there might be an error in my thinking). Best to just to leave their presence as quickly and expeditiously as you can before things get physical and YOU get blamed for the outcome. The white guy who was the object of the black woman’s rage was fortunate that the woman’s refrigerator sized son was NOT crazy and maintained a calm demeanor throughout.
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