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‘The Frontier of the State’
Suicide of a Superpower: Pat Buchanan on the Death of Western Civilization
© 2015 James LaFond
That title, it occurs to me, could have been uttered by any American Indian chief 140 years ago. Patrick Buchanan has never been a favorite social figure of mine, but only because I have seen him inserted onto stooge stages. In an academic setting like this, I like him a lot. Just about everything that I write about, from boxing, to horror, to science-fiction, to the savagery in the streets of American cities that I have made my name on, comes down, ultimately, to this subject.
I disagree that Christian patriotism in wartime is the apogee of human experience. However, we have lost a lot in terms of behavioral breaks—such as the American ethical bedrock of Christianity—have eroded. Pat’s case is made the best when he points out that the black community in America was the most “churched” and Christianized in America in 1964. He doesn’t have to point out, that with federal welfare payments having replaced religion as the focus of the black community over the last 50 years, that the black segment of the American population is per capita 40 times more violent than the average.
Whatever you think of the man—and my estimation of him has risen—he does an excellent job of describing the balkanization of the United States of America.
55,000 factories lost in a decade?
What nation survives that—hell, what nation not losing a war takes those kinds of industrial losses?
‘Only One More River to Cross’
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‘Victims of the Patriarchy’
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logic of force
logic of steel
'in these goings down'
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book of nightmares
B     Aug 20, 2015

If in 1964 they were so churchianized and christianized, and then immediately following they engaged in the Watts Riots, the Detroit Riots, the Symbionese Liberation Army, etc. etc., what does that say about churchianization and christianization?
James     Aug 21, 2015

He was, of course speaking broadly, and much of Black America was still rural and southern. With the riots you mention the population of blacks in these urban areas had already been following the degenerate American curve into pure materialism for a generation, the curve that accelerated with the welfare state into our own insane urban ethos.

Last night, after writing this brief review, I went to a bar and spoke with a half dozen older black men. It was as different, speaking to these men, compared to the black youth I deal with, as speaking to two different species. There is no lineal cultural link present, no commonality. The old guys just call them hoppers or hoodrats, not even punks—but give them animal attributions.

Briefly B, and I'm only a crackpot heretic theologian, my opinion of American Christianity, is low, that the type of watered down Catholicism and mutant Protestantism that have taken root in the U.S., are—contrary to Buchanan's way of looking at things—vectors for the ultimate disillusion of transformative thought or the transcendental religious experience, mere civil ethos vehicles without a commitment to the sacred. In other words, I see American Christianity as a Trojan horse that enabled pure atheistic materialism to take hold as the root ethos of our culture, a toxic root from which all the shoots that sprout will bear rancid fruit.

I have noted, in the many attempts by Christians to witness to me since my childhood, that economic success is often attributed to a Christian lifeway, and that young Christian churches often become booming businesses in less then a generation. This makes Christianity one of the few stabilizing influences in my particular ghetto, but all it really does here, in Baltimore, is take over a shopping center, paint it white, and produce a physical safe zone. That is not exactly the basis for forging unshakable souls.
Mesc Franklin     Aug 20, 2015

Pat was the villain of the media and the cuckservatives in the early 90's..

The man has been proven to be right now, two decades later. Plus you and him have the same accent, jimmy..Middle Atlantic.
James     Aug 26, 2015

In retrospect, the kind of news shows he appeared on, seem to be tailored for jerks who shout over each other, and did not bring out the best in him, as this interviewer's considered style did.
PR     Aug 21, 2015

I wrote him in in 2012.
Jeremy Bentham     Aug 21, 2015

O’Sullivan’s Law: Any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time.

-John O’Sullivan, British Journalist

Keep in mind James that the mainstream Christian Churches in both the USA and Europe have all been thoroughly infiltrated by Leftist activists. The Leftist penetrate organizations like termites and then eat then out from the inside until they become mere shells of their former selves.

Television shows are the best examples of this—24, House. Charitable foundations are worse but harder to see. One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Right wingers are willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity. The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse. Also, leftism is in and of itself a form of decay. It’s what happens not just to television shows but to nations, churches and universities as the energy given off by the big bang of their inception slowly ebbs away. Rather than expend vitality in originality and creation they become obsessed with introspection, popularity and lethargy. Leftism is entropy of the spirit and intellect. Another reason is that the parasitic nature of Liberals/Leftists attracts them to existing money. An enterprise can stave off O'Sullivan's Law if their creators keep it in mind and remain vigilant and truthful. O'Sullivan's Law hit 24 when they finally had a Muslim villain then started running disclaimers that Muslims aren't all terrorists. The Annenberg Foundation was started by a Republican but it didn't take long before O'Sullivan's Law had them handing a domestic terrorist money for educating kids. The ACLU, the Ford Foundation and the Episcopal Church all fell to O’Sullivan’s Law.

Soon everyone in the organization starts parroting Leftist sentiment, many without quite realizing they are doing so. Take Pope Francis for example. He says he is not a communist and I believe that he believes that he not a communist; nevertheless, he spouts Marxist boilerplate social justice doctrine so frequently as to make little difference between him and a self-identified member of the Communist Party. Marxism is all about materialism, who controls “The Stuff”. The Catholic Church is supposed to be concerned with saving people’s souls, not how much money they are paid. The Catholic Church has also fallen to O’Sullivan’s Law as it clearly is being run by Marxists now.
James     Aug 26, 2015

My sense here, concerning left leaning Christianity, is that the Christian faith is inherently susceptible to such infiltrations due to its universalist nature. I really like certain types of Christianity for those ethnic groups who adapted it to their culture—such as Catholicism in Latin America, which I hope—in such cases—will help retard the growth of the state.
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