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‘Over Mere Morals’
The Truth about George Washington by Stefan Molyneux
© 2015 James LaFond
Before I listen to this, just let me say, that if I was given access to a time machine, and was only permitted to use it once, I would use it to go back in time and shank Big George, probably on his first scouting mission into Pennsylvania.
After viewing the presentation, I must amend the last statement, and use that time machine to murder him when he was a 16-year-old surveyor! I always knew he was a rotten apple, but not to the core! This made my week.
I have long known of Washington being a douche bag, of his criminal mismanagement and war crimes during his colonial militia career in the Seven Years War, and am well-versed with his unethical behavior after the War of Independence. I had not, however, done enough reading on the old paper tiger, to know that he was so consistently bad and corrupt during the war. What I should be ashamed of, is that I had limited my reading of the period to military history, and had failed to appreciate how incredibly good the patriotic propaganda of the Founding Fathers had been and what a savage and duplicitous politician Washington was. I knew he spared no opportunity to punish and kill the poor. But had no idea he devoted so much female style energy to destroying his fellow aristocrats.
In retrospect, Washington was the perfect father of the Unites States, ordering the execution of Americans under martial law on two occasions, possibly bringing into being a nation in the same fashion in which this cynic suspects it may one day be dissolved.
What is really fascinating is his remorseless behavior as a slave owner and his stupendous swearing ability for one of his class [He was in the top 1%, unlike our typical modern presidents, who come into office with a fraction of his relative wealth. Think Donald Trump with a pair of pliers ripping out employee hair by the roots to make his next hair piece.] His extraction of slave teeth for insertion into his dentures was just too funny—unless you're Uncle Remus, I suppose. Unlike black pseudo-historian Tariq Nasheed, Stefan at least points out that Washington paid the slaves for the teeth that were yanked out of their mouths! Washington is exposed as a scumbag to his last breath, so don’t get your hopes up here. Just enjoy the dirt!
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Ishmael     Aug 27, 2015

Humanity and our civilization, awash in a ocean of lies!
James     Aug 28, 2015

I am reminded of Aristotle's opinion that the common man needs a number of social lies—such as the myths about his municipal savior-gods like Pallas Athena—in order to live a decent and usefully ordered life and reduce his susceptibility to the pleas of demagogues.

I'm perfectly oaky with most boys believing Washington was basically a saint, so long as they understand that he cannot be replicated through our political process. I'd rather have a boy want to be the guy that handed over power, than to have the abiding ambition to be the next Snoop Dawg.
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