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‘Any Manner of Evil’
Chicago Thugs Pick The Wrong Guy To Rob At Gunpoint & 1 Pays With His Life!
© 2015 James LaFond
This is an excellent example of functional tactics. Observe the man pumping gas, how he makes sure he can reach his hand gun before complying and reaching for his pocket on the left side. As soon as the crook focuses on the pocket—bammm!
This is like a punch out with a gun.
The tactics this crime target used with his gun would have worked for my man, Oliver Hayes, with his hands, since he’s one of these freaks that drops people with one punch. This is how Sam McVey, Sam Langford, and Jack Johnson boxed like this fellow shot, a trapping hand and then one tight shot from the hip.
I have to agree with Tommy—and I had the impulse before I heard this commentary—that this babe that did the second news story, is gorgeous. "The man wasn't even a man!" says Tommy, and "You cannot make up for your last act," should be Tommy's anthem. Whatever you may think of Tommy, he is a First Amendment American.
I salute and applaud this cop—pig though he may be, he is a MAN.
Update More Info On 3 Chicago Thugs Pick The Wrong Guy To Rob At Gunpoint & 1 Pays With His Life!
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Jeremy Bentham     Aug 29, 2015

“Mindset is everything, as we have always taught and will continue to teach. You cannot solve a problem if you do not know you have one, and you cannot win a fight if you do not realize that it has started.” - Jeff Cooper (1920-2006), Creator of the Modern Technique of the Handgun.

"The will to survive is not as important as the will to prevail...the answer to criminal aggression is retaliation." -Jeff Cooper.
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