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A Thousand Years in His Soul
Part One Now in Print in Two Volumes
© 2015 James LaFond
A Thousand Years in His Soul: The Seers—Part One: Four Aryаn Mystics at the Dawn of the Atomic Age Paperback – September 1, 2015
by James LaFond
The Seers There was a time, between the two Wars of European Suicide, when four men of learning and action maintained a primal view of the world and saw though the veil of politics and the fog of war to the other side, a global world where Man’s golem’s of politics and ideology would forever separate Man from Woman, Family and Tribe, making of him a new creature, an empty vessel to carry the collective ambition of something lesser than, and at the same time irresistible to, life. They Are: Lothrop Stoddard 1883-1950 Oswald Spengler 1880-1936 Ernst Junger 1895-1998 Julius Evola 1898-1974
A Thousand Years in His Soul: The Poets—Part One: Five Aryаn Mystics at the Dawn of the Atomic Age Paperback – September 1, 2015
by James LaFond
The Poets This volume is an examination of the select works of five literary figures of the first half of the 20th Century who wrote about alienation from a world that was rapidly outgrowing its traditional foundations and turning upon itself. The author regards these men—some popular in their own time, all now obscured by the postmodern zeitgeist—as counter-culture figures who documented the death of Western Man’s Capacity to Dream. As our politicians and moralists ushered in the Age of The Machine with fanfare and destruction, these men wrote of a fundamentally opposing view, their work cloaked in the armor of fiction. They ARE: Jack London 1876-1916 Edgar Rice Burroughs 1875-1950 H.P. Lovecraft 1890-1937 Robert E. Howard 1906-36 Robinson Jeffers 1887-1962
A Sickness of the Heart in Print
the author in print
‘How Many Books Have You Written’
search for an american spartacus
masculine axis
plantation america
uncle satan
let the world fend for itself
the lesser angels of our nature
menthol rampage
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