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‘This Dumb Black Bitch’
Uncle Ruckus Discusses the Thug Mentality, its Maternal Roots, Adoption, Pussy Hounds and Thinking Phonetically
© 2015 James LaFond
Hoodwhore & Subway Employee Sierra McCurdy Fired After Celebrating The Murder Of 2 MS Cops Online!
For you tribalist white nationalists, pay close attention to Tommy, and you will realize he’s really a black separatist. Like many good black people, he believes in “looking out for your own.”
The liberal creed of the Media Nation calls for us to look out for everybody, which, to any tactically thinking man, will immediately bring to mind the fact that looking out for everyone means looking out for no one, which is the point. Mangina feminists, liberals, leftists, academics, politicians and media priests will overlook the simple fact that if you try to do everything—whether it is in a football game or climbing a cliff or trying to prevent starvation—that you will accomplish nothing.
Tommy is more of a comedian than anything, but he gets it, and he’s a man who stands up. Attached is a second video concerning black man like him who is being targeted by the foot soldiers of the liberal white media.
The third video is for pure comic relief. Stay tuned for Tommy's musical performance!
‘Do You Want To Be My Neighbor?’
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Manuel     Sep 4, 2015

Here's more on #BlackLivesMatter.

This TJSotomayor good is good
Jeremy Bentham     Sep 5, 2015

Fascinating! A black separatist who wants to be separated from other black people. One notices that many black people don’t want to live where black people are the majority. In this regard they are in agreement with the white nationalists surprisingly enough. Well the reasons for wanting this separation are obvious, although we are not supposed to talk about them least we be branded as a racist and/or receive death threats like Mr. Sotomayor. Where white people are the majority you have much, much less crime and a much more pleasant and family-friendly environment. That’s why everyone wants to move to where white people live and rule. The trouble is once the thinking / sentient blacks establish themselves in a safe white majority community they are quickly followed by the non-sentient blacks and then the new neighborhood quickly turns into a place where none but the drug-addicted, criminally-minded, and the insane would care to live in. Certainly few white people. This begs the question of what will transpire if and when the country breaks up. If black people get their own country will they still want live in it? On the other hand I believe white people could help the situation some if they would stop contributing to black delinquency by purchasing illegal drugs. If that were to happen that would probably interrupt the cash flow of black street gangs severely and curtail many of their activities. The big money to be made trafficking in illegal mind-altering drugs is clearly more temptation than they can resist. The governments of the Latin American nations as well maintain that nobody in their countries would be producing and smuggling dope if no one in North America were buying it. I’m sure that is a hyperbolic argument, but they do have a point.
James     Sep 6, 2015

I've seen over 30 of Tommy's videos now. His point seems to be class-based. He has often cited the fact that affluent and non-violent whites have no problem with separating themselves from low class whites, as an example of segregating into merit-based groups.

He does often state that he likes spending time with whites and prefers their company. However, he often expresses more concern over the plight of blacks than whites, which I submit is perfectly reasonable and natural. He reflects the ethics of Booker T. Washington and the Old School.

Like that white crackpot from Baltimore that writes so many different opinions that you could use him to refute himself, Tommy is all over the place. The one thing that he hits on constantly, is that no society based on government-sanctioned feminism is workable from the male perspective, which is essentially the message of the white alternative right.
Jeremy Bentham     Sep 7, 2015

"It is written in the eternal constitution of things that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters."- Edmund Burke, (1729-1797) Irish Statesman

"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs—partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs…There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.” - Booker T. Washington

Excellent points James. One can certainly respect, appreciate and relate to Tommy’s positions. On the one hand nobody wants to be forced to associate with people they regard as “uncool”, that is people they find to be annoying or unlikeable for whatever reason. And certainly not people who mean you harm. Supposedly the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees our natural right to free association. Nevertheless, the reason “we can’t have nice things” is because the powers-that-be force us to live with so many thugs, hooligans and lunatics in our midst who constantly destroy those nice things. One notices that the “inclusive” multicultural SWPL hipsters don’t want to be forced to hang out with people they regard as “squares” or bores. Yet they get to tell the rest of us who we should be forced to mix with. On the other hand it is also understandable that Tommy is concerned about the well-being of his own African-American people. One wishes that “white” leaders and celebrities felt the same way about white Americans. However, we “Anglo-Saxon” white Americans are constantly told by our “right-thinking” betters that looking out for your own is “racism” and “nativism” and therefore wrong for some reason. Although as the country continues to fragment, it only makes logical sense for white people to play identity politics, just like every other ethnic group is currently doing.

Booker T. Washington believed that the “Talented Tenth”, the top ten percent of the black population would provide the leadership that would enable the rest of the black community to advance and prosper. However, it appears that the opposite keeps occurring and that the lowest percentile always pulls down the whole community, like the “crabs in a bucket” analogy. The top ten percent of “cool” black people clearly has little to no influence over the behavior of the mass of “uncool” black people. This makes us whites wonder if black poverty and black criminality will ever NOT be a problem for American society. Black activist types I have had occasion to speak with all complained that whites don’t care enough about the plight of black people. This always left me puzzled and wondering what exactly do whites have to do to be seen as “caring” enough? What have blacks not been provided with over the past half century in terms of legal protections and material goods? Things that few other ethnic groups have been given. Every time whites offer blacks advice on how to improve themselves and their communities they are rebuffed and told to mind their own business. As it is, smarter people than I am have figured out that race relations in America have been ruined: Probably for good, since as America’s economy shrinks the different ethnic groups will naturally come into greater conflict over jobs, housing, education, government benefits, police protection and other resources.
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