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Dog City Woman
Ishmael’s First Encounter with a Denatured and Deluded Liberal City Bitcher
© 2015 James LaFond
Ishmael will be serving as my host and guide next year as he, Ranger Shayne and I look into the legend of the Liver-Eater. In the meantime he has sent me dozens of stories about growing up in the Rockies, some of which I have been posting, here.
My employer, a local rancher, had lost several sheep. I caught this dog one early morning killing a couple more. We kept an old model 94 behind the seat when we feed. The dog died of lead poisoning. That's an old, old joke. We had sometimes had to kill our own sheep dogs when they turned killer on the sheep. The woman who owned the dog had moved in from Park City, which we used to be called “Bark City.” She did not understand why the judge made her pay the rancher for the dead sheep. The leash law was ignored in liberal PC. You tie unattended dogs up on the east side of Summit County. Livestock is more valuable, here your dog is on his own in rural areas. They are free targets if they get into livestock. This bitch wanted me arrested because I shot her dog.
The woman told the police that the dog was just playing with the sheep! She didn't like guns, hunting or us rednecks. We found that funny since she moved into Redneck Central. There is a saying that you can make an intellectual out of a good ole boy, but you can't make an intellectual into a good ole boy. She was a very educated woman, but her common sense seemed to be lacking when it came to rural life. This was my first encounter with a pure city girl. This seems to be the main problem for me with this kind of thinking. She acted like there was nothing that I could understand, that my lack of her knowledge handicapped me. I can relate to the Sioux when they first encountered whites. They thought we were crazy. Now as more and more liberals move into the rural areas, we country bumpkins will be a minority in about 20 years or less. I now understand how the natives felt when our ancestors moved them out.
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