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The Huns Are at it Again: Building a Fortress Wall
Commentary on the Liberal Crusade to House the Third World in the First, by Lili Hun
© 2015 Lili Hun
I'd like to preface this brief review with a culture and language-related question: Which of the sentences below would Attila most likely utter today?
1) If you build it, they will come...
2) Build the f*ing wall, because these G-d f*d refugees won't stop coming, your father's dick! (Horse dick up their a**!)
Hint: Attila did not make nice, as a general rule.
Hungary is building a wall on its Serbian border. The number of escapees from Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq who have entered Hungary illegally only since the beginning of this year varies depending on the article I open, from 50-100k. The EU is, of course, dragging its feet, way too slowly for a country bearing an intolerable amount of refugee weight for its size. So they're on their own, like Greece who can't handle its own economic conditions without adding over a million or so escapees who slipped through Turkey over a period of time. Italy is catching the North African escapee trail.
The stats for each country seem to vary widely, depending on who collected them or the span of time involved. All of these variables can obscure real numbers. So don't be surprised at the variance nor believe a particular number proposed by a journalist or organization (and remember there are undocumented refugees). Some organizations that collect this kind of data don't even have recent data. doesn't have data past 2010 with an article dated in 2013 that quotes these. Sounds like an agenda-loaded omission to me.
Of course, Amnesty International criticizes the wall, but this is like the pope criticizing birth control.
And, liberal “journalism” in full swing, they quote a Syrian computer scientist, an Afghan doctor, etc. If seasoned assassins are in the mix, you can bet you won't hear about it.
In the first link below, one of the Syrian immigrants decries Hungary's choice to build a fence, saying that the fence will not solve the problem; getting rid of ISIS and Al-Bashar's regime will solve it, and Hungary should apply itself to solving the real problem, not to building a fence.
Are they nuts or did I miss something here? I would venture that the trauma of war has affected that man's ability to think.
When did it become Hungary's personal mission to get rid of a chemical warfaring government on the other side of the world or to address the real and throat-sawing (dull knives used on purpose) barbarians hiding in pockets throughout the world?
When did it become the responsibility of a country that is only slightly larger than Maine to singlehandedly solve a problem of epic proportions which they did not create?
Remind you of anything closer to home?
–Lili Hun
Dog City Woman
night city
taboo you
ball of fortune
on combat
blue eyed daughter of zeus
dark, distant futures
solo boxing
Dufus     Sep 8, 2015

Non-Whites are the real White Supremacists as they expect us to solve all their problems for them.
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