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‘When I Was in High School’
When Your Job Sucks: Teen Jobs
© 2015 James LaFond
When I moved to Western Pennsylvania at age 13, the first thing I did was gravitate to the woods for my recreation. I soon discovered, in the streambeds, metal contraptions about the size of a child’s shoe sole. I asked Mister McCaroll, the man next door, what they were, and he told me that some boy was probably trying to make money trapping muskrats and to leave them undisturbed. I eventually tried my hand at trapping muskrat and was a failure. I did manage to kill some rabbits with throwing sticks. But rabbit pelts only brought 15 cents at Pete’s Surplus. I just let my dog tear them up. Interestingly enough, Ishmael, my host for next year’s Liver-Eater Excursion, has offered to teach me the cruder points of ruining a creeping critter’s day. As it turns out, Ishmael is one of those fellows who made some money trapping as a boy.
“When I was in high school, not wanting to get up at four a.m. to milk cows and then go to school, I trapped. I set traps for Mink, Bobcat, Muskrat and Beaver—I didn’t even know what a cougar was yet, so don’t go there. It was a way to get out of doors, out from underneath of The Thumb.
“In 1973 a Bobcat pelt was worth seventy-five dollars. A mink pelt brought ten dollars. Beaver brought fifty bucks. I only got three-seventy-five for a Muskrat pelt. I could skin a Muskrat in thirty seconds.
I caught six bobcats, fifteen mink, a dozen beaver and four-hundred-and-seventy-five muskrats. Milking cows, you received two dollars an hour. My investment for traps and pelt boards—some of which I made myself—was about a hundred-and-fifty dollars.
“I will show you how to trap when you arrive next fall.”
Ishmael, I’m particularly interested in learning how to set hoodrat snares—or would I use something bigger?—when we get together next year.
‘The Ziggurat of the Idiots’
The Thanatos Trajectory
the gods of boxing
the year the world took the z-pill
z-pill forever
fiction anthology one
crag mouth
song of the secret gardener
on combat
the first boxers
Bernie Hackett     Sep 11, 2015

JL, see if you can find one of the many guerrilla war manuals.

I recommend the Malay Gate, and the classic punji stake.

If you have ammunition, the VC toe popper is another option.

Have fun!

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