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‘Get the Hell Out of Baltimore Fund’
Just 21 Books to Go, Bro
© 2015 James LaFond
One of our most avid misanthropic readers, Ishmael, has just sent me another donation earmarked for the ‘Get the hell out of Baltimore Fund.’ Of course, it will only be a temporary reprieve from the city that intends to eat me, when we head off into the Rockies in search of Liver-Eater lore this time next year.
Ishmael is one of over a dozen readers who have suggested I leave Harm City for good. To tell the truth, if I could support myself writing about something other than the Armpit of the East Coast I might do just that. Unfortunately, 85% of my writing revenue comes directly from the Harm City category, and it’s barely enough to keep the site going and keep me in research material and training gear—which is research material, I suppose.
I will promise you this, Ishmael, if this cracked window on the world becomes a going concern without the need for me to gather hoodrat lore in Harm City, I would like to move to Harper’s Ferry West Virginia. If this occurs, I shall do it in style, by paying Boomy, the Nigerian Hero cabbie who saved the "Blonde woman of the yuppies" from a raging hoodrat horde back in April, to drive me out of town in his oft stoned cab.
Thank you very much for the book, and the donation.
The City and State Shakedown
harm city
solo boxing
menthol rampage
graphomaniac archive #1
song of the secret gardener
search for an american spartacus
on the overton railroad
broken dance
Phillip Alford     Sep 13, 2015

So if, hypothetically, I wanted to contribute to this exodus to save your hide so I can, selfishly, continue to read your stuff...where would I do such a thing?
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