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Sid Vic on Ann Sterzinger, The Boned Zone and Planet Meathead
© 2015 James LaFond
“I've noted that your site traffic is getting impressive of late. I think that Ann S. really got the word out about you.”
“BTW get a few T shirt made and I'll buy one or two. You need to figure out how to make some money off this shit.”
For some reason’ Ann’s article has had the most impact on this site. She did not bring any more immediate reads than Donovan’s review or the repost of my wonderful article on how to punch people with MMA gloves, which it appears, shall be my literary legacy!
However, I have discovered through a number of recent e-mails that Ann set us up for much of the traffic we picked up during the Baltimore riots. Also, Ann’s readers are not just one subject readers, and included a couple of editors who have picked up a total of 4 articles from this old crackpot.
I like T-shirts, wear T-shirts that have been given to me by men whose unseemly girth outpaces my own. I find myself caught up in conversations about the printing on a shirt which I have never read. I just never read shirts. I do understand that others do.
I did get T-shirts made one time. In 2011 I spent my last $314 getting two shirts each made for the men I had trained. They were all as broke as I so I think I grossed $20, and have not been able to fulfill requests for shirts since.
Bart, who I think is currently doing hand stand pushups in a California cave with some martial arts guru from Siberia, inquired about Let the Weak Fall T-shirts earlier this year. It was okay with the artist and the webmaster who did the design. But there has been a problem enlarging and improving the image. It is all quite beyond my ken.
I had told Bart just to send a buck to the artist and a buck to us for every short he sold, and to try and make money on it.
I just don’t have a head for graphic images, don’t have the means to produce the shirts, and do not know what would sell. The ideas that come to mind from my writing are:
Let the Weak Fall
Saddle Your Trojan Whorse
Welcome to Planet Meathead
Stop! Now Shoot
The Poor Tour
The Man Cave [This all depends on the mother goddess inspired graphics.]
The Boned Zone
Hoodrat Hatchery: Lay Bitch-Egg Here
Do you have any ideas?
Sid, if you would like to make a fortune fill free to send a shirt my way.
‘My Home, My Land, My Forest’
site reviews
‘Martial Arts with the Masters’
winter of a fighting life
the gods of boxing
shrouds of aryаs
let the world fend for itself
search for an american spartacus
the greatest lie ever sold
Sean     Sep 12, 2015

Let the weak fall and man cave size medium/large depending on the company.

Let me know where to send my money. I know others that would be interested.
Bart Maney     Sep 13, 2015

Dammit, and this whole time I thought the facebook page was responsible for the increase in traffic on this site. :)

Yeah, I dropped the ball on the t-shirt thing. Grad school and trying to reverse my many years of indoctrination into the cult of emasculation have unfortunately made that project less of a priority. However, after reading this post, maybe it's time to take another run at it.
James     Sep 16, 2015

My niece found this spreadshirt site that permits you to get shirts made without any cost, like create space publishing. I will get you two together via e-mail and see what you can work out.
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