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‘A Taxpayer Relief Shot’
A White Wednesday Follow Up From Susan Concerning the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Murders of Police
© 2015 James LaFond & Susan
The following is an e-mail from Susan concerning the article generated by her previous e-mail: ‘Targeted Assassinations Of Police?’
I wanted to address a particular argument you made and I ended up with a long response. I didn't think this would fit in the blog post response box so I'm emailing it. I don't expect you to post it. After you took the time to answer my question, I just wanted to get a response to you.
Your list fills in the blanks for me regarding your view of police. I don’t have an adequate response for the incidents and crimes on your list.
You’ve answered one follow up question I had. I’ve wondered if you grew up in Baltimore and stay as a kind of tribal F You and open rebuke to the thugs there. I haven’t read any of your books yet and didn’t know if it’s possible for you to live in a gritty but little whiter area of town where fewer people are trying to kill you. I’ve been away but the other day I read the post about the Get The Hell Out of Baltimore Fund ‘Get The Hell Out Of Baltimore Fund’ and you mention reasons why you’ve stayed in harm city.
My other follow up regards police in Baltimore. You said virtually every black man and youth in the city has been treated terribly by them. You also said, “Understand that these [black] gangs are more intelligent and masculine than the police, who are neutered sheep dogs by comparison.”
When you revisit this topic sometime, what is the more intelligent and masculine way to police in Baltimore? Pre purge and now.
While I can see how gangs could take advantage of this climate, I don't see the drug war being the cause of this.
Last night another cop was executed by a black man. The killer was later taken out with a taxpayer relief shot. On social media he had been spewing Black Lives Matter garbage, lamenting that more police aren’t being killed, said it’s not happening fast enough, and then he went out and killed one. Many of the other recent cop killers have referenced the same thing. It’s not a feint.
Thomas Sowell wrote, “You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization – including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things that clever intelligentsia disdain – without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large.”
We’re watching the catastrophic result of 50 years of liberal social policy that was supposed to help blacks but instead systematically destroyed the black family and has now turned many of this latest generation into savages.
Poverty doesn’t cause violence and it isn’t causing this. The epidemic now of black mob violence against whites, its start with the knockout game during this despicable president’s first term, the corrupt media hiding the violence and fueling the hatred, the big lie that is Black Lives Matter, the escalation into these targeted killings of police, all these bush fires are related to black failure in society, which is too painful for many to acknowledge and so they believe the Big Lie that black failure is the fault of someone else. It’s easier.
It’s easier to make white girl bleed a lot than it is to take responsibility for your own choices and decisions. It’s easier to blame whitey and kill him than it is to do the things that everyone else does to try to achieve success. This rage was touched off by the Black Lives Matter frauds whose lies weren’t countered effectively and I don’t see anyone standing up and putting an end to it.
What's especially tragic in all this is that in 1960, most, if not all, of the economic and societal indicators were positive for American blacks, and they had been continually rising decade by decade after slavery. Intact black families, an illegitimate birth rate of only 22% which was comparable to whites, the murder rates among black men had been going down since the 1950s, education was important, faith was present. There were more black owned business and Ph.Ds in the 1950s than there are now. And then the liberals helped them.
I’ve had a completely different history with police than you've had and I know good people who are good cops. I appreciate that you gave an explanation of your code regarding cops.
After all that, I give you a question for the ages.
On Black Violence in Urban America
Susan, thanks for this.
There is nothing you have written above that I disagree with, with the exception of your contention that black psychopathic killers and criminal millionaires with seraglios that would make a Turkish Sultan envious, enjoying the adulation of more worshippers than Jesus swayed during his ministry or than Paul organized through his missions and letters, would regard themselves as failures, or that those real failures they left behind would not seek to emulate them. The biggest reason why the liberal whites, who you correctly take to task, and the conservatives whites like yourself, will never understand black criminals is because you are not equipped to understand a desperate hate-filled person who could care less about the egalitarian values, and the yearning for security, that is the foundation of White America.
Bernie Sanders and Patrick Buchanan may seem worlds apart to you, but to T-Bone Grimes [ a real guy I know] down on Biddle Street, they are the same guy speaking out of two different sides of the same lying mouth. And, to a certain extent he is right. White liberals and white conservatives are essentially all about safety and security. They only differ on how to achieve the ideal state of domestication, neither realizing, that to a person who has never known safety or security since the womb, that the prospect of a life of domestication pales before a season of wild glory.
Also, both white factions see only the worst of black America, and focus all of their perception on the black lower class. In contrast, white America looks only to its own elites, never to its poor. Black America also see only white elites, never white poor, although there are more poor whites than all blacks combined. I am one of those poor whites, so I know liberals and conservatives, white and black, to be my actual moral and mortal enemies. White liberals speak only to poor black America, ignoring the best blacks like Carson and Sowell. White conservatives point at poor black America either as evidence of racial inferiority or of white liberal cupidity, in either case denying that blacks are anything more than animals, simply arguing over how their domestication has been managed.
For the record, Susan, I think America always elects the president it deserves, and that the current Criminal in Chief reflects the moral bankruptcy of our society. His job is literally up for sale and he raised the most money. It astounds me that any American who understands the manner in which our ruler is supposedly selected would expect anything other than a slick talking sellout or reptilian aristocrat to ever occupy the oval office.
I don’t believe in single causes for most things, although I can tell you specifically why the mother of North West, our very own stupidity goddess, should be enslaved and sold to me for $20. However, in the interest of good taste, I shall decline further elaboration.
I categorize black violence and urban violence in America as one in the same, as it is all sourced from the Black urban experience and does not trace through the rural South. The genesis can be found in policing practices in Northern cities in the early 20th century. I recommend the following: The Spawn Of Big-Headed Yakub.
Also, for a less radical view of the police, wherein I recount a conversation with a young man, try Interview With An Extraterrestrial Anthropologist
And, above all, please do not forget that every member of my family believes I am insane, and that my opinion should never carry any weight beyond humor or outrage, and that I am only to be trusted in regards to boxing and other knucklehead pursuits. Just ask my mother.
Fundamentally I place police and criminals in the same category, as they have both taken up arms to limit my freedom. The criminal at least admits this, while the cop hides behind the hypocrisy that he is my protector as he makes certain that I am unarmed before permitting me to travel any further into the crime zone he is patrolling. I have successfully negotiated with two different criminals who were pointing guns at me. I have also successfully negotiated with cops, feeling equally threatened by both types.
Susan. Thomas Jefferson once said that, “No decent man seeks power over his fellows.”
Most of us agree with this sentiment, and for this reason tend to dislike most politicians and play along with the fiction that police are our servants rather than our masters’ enforcers.
The problem we are seeing with black predation on other Americans, and predominantly on blacks, has a pretty clear genesis in the entitlement mentality cultivated by the liberal elites beginning in the 1960s.
This built on animosity among lower class blacks who had been consistently brutalized by police in cities like Baltimore. Susan, during one year of the O’Malley administration 1 in 6 Baltimoreans was jailed, most without charges, including every black man I knew, most of whom were hard working non-criminals.
My neighbor, Dave the Cop, told me of the recreational nature of beating blacks as a matter of course. Another cop, who is about 60 now, related how he was initiated into police work by being told by his training officers to go select a black man from a group and beat him. These men described the tail end of a legacy of the majority white population using a small brutal police force to keep the minority blacks in line. This was a step up from the horrible lynchings in Maryland and other states that occurred in the 20s and 30s, in which police acted as security for white lynch mobs. I am now wondering how long it will be before white cops stand by and watch whites being murdered by blacks—but wait, it happened back in April when a woman was pulled from her car and beaten into a coma while cops obeyed orders not to interfere. Her story did not and will not make the news. Her sissy husband was beside himself, and in no way saw her safety as his duty. Hopefully that will change among our weak willed pale face race.
As you and others point out, blacks had been improving their own lot despite this type of thing, a type of thing that was fading. Then came the entitlement movement, which drew justification from past injustice and the remains of that injustice, feeding into the natural greed of any people that will be triggered when they are given something for nothing. What many people do not realize is that black communities have been destroyed by three simultaneous factors:
1. The marriage of the black mother to the federal government and the wholesale dissolution of lower class black families, generating a pool of traumatized orphans that are easily manipulated by criminals, politicians and the media
2. Desegregation, which has permitted the most successful blacks to escape the black ghettos, where they had been the stabilizing force, often sanctioning vigilante justice in what used to be called the African American Justice System. Among other things, this was responsible for a lower incidence of wife beating by black men, than among the white population.
3. The War on Drugs brought staggering wealth to the criminal class of the black urban ghetto, who have replaced the traditional academic, business and clergy leadership in the black community with a rabid gang-based materialism. The clutch mistake that white Americans—whose children flock to cities like Baltimore in droves to buy mind numbing drugs from black dealers employed by these gangs—is to believe that this black on white, black on black, and black on cop violence is purely an expression of a failure of blacks to achieve. Taylor might make the case that blacks are genetically inferior. Sowell might make the case that they are socially retarded by liberal white policies. But, Susan, a gang that can buy truck loads of cocaine and ship it into Baltimore with impunity during a state of emergency in which military forces are deployed in blocking positions, that can command a high school student body to attack and defeat a mid-sized city police department in open battle, who has effectively run a Maryland State Corrections facility, and who have hijacked a CIA established heroin pipeline from Afghanistan to Baltimore, thus bypassing the Mexican cartels that dominate the business in the rest of the U.S., and are somehow managing to keep Meth out of their domain—there is no Meth in Central Maryland, Susan—none. The DEA, FBI and state and local task forces have not been able to do that anywhere in the U.S. Do we call these young men failures, Susan? In a nation that values only money, money and more money, and secondarily values only fame and recognition, how can these young black men, who could have been managing a McDonalds, but are instead fielding paramilitary forces 40 miles from the center of world power with impunity, how could these men possibly see themselves as failures? Susan, these men began life as abused children with no fathers, and no education. Yet they consistently outsmart the college educated sons of the suburban nuclear family who staff urban police forces. I don’t think they are smarter than these white college boys, just that they have attended a more demanding school. Convince these criminals that they are failures?
These three factors, which all tap into the ancient animosity that stems from every black family being able to trace a sense of retribution back to a father, an uncle, a grandfather or a great grandfather who was beaten by cops for the crime of being black, have raised the basest form of criminality to the pinnacle of celebrity—which is to say our current excuse for culture, for only money and fame matter in this nation.
What does conservative white America say to this?
Since suburban and rural police officers generally treat suburban and rural whites with respect, than obviously urban blacks and whites have never been brutalized by urban cops and all such charges are lies?
Or, as my friend Dave [not Dave the Cop] the bread vender says, “The niցցers are animals. Beat the shit out of them all and shoot the ones that pop back up.” These two poles, disbelief born of distance and isolation or brutality are both doomed to get zero support from blacks, and without blacks on your side, you can only deal with blacks as an enemy sub-nation.
Conservative White America is looking up its own shrinking ass.
Libertarians believe they can negotiate and reason with violent people who believe they are persecuted.
Entitlement and Aggression
What has happened is a return to ancient ways, which is to say the violence of the entitled upon the complaisant.
The fact that the majority of Americans once committed or sanctioned violence against the minority was a human anomaly made possible—for a brief century from about 1860 to 1960—by an abundance of natural resources available via the extermination of the native population. It has always been the case throughout history that a small, hyper-violent class of people entitled to taxes paid by the working class and merchant class, prey upon these same masses of people on behalf of the tiny ruling class.
The ancient way has been restored.
Knights once raped peasant girls in their fathers’ barns, defiling the daughter of the man whose hard work made his life of violence possible, while no peasant ever raped a lord’s lady.
Today, the daughter of the white America tax payer is raped by black criminals at more than a hundred times the frequency than the daughters of black welfare recipients are raped by whites of any class.
The robber knight of old spent most of his time killing his counterpart in competition over territory.
The modern gang thug spends most of his time battling with members of rival gangs over territory.
The knight of old would occasionally chase, flog or slaughter peasants for fun. Indeed, even in battle—such as the debacle at Grecy—knights would trample their peasant levies under the hooves of their destriers without a care.
Why should the taxpayer—the peasant of postmodern amoral America—not expect to be used as the object of ritually concussive fun at the hands of the young princes of the rising criminal class—entitled from cradle to grave to whatever they might want?
Susan, the key to keeping any people down is to set above them a class of alienated people who are both conditioned to entitlement and violence, and made vigilant through circumstance. The Spartans were outnumbered by their slaves by at least ten to one. Currently our back masters are only outnumbered by us white tax payers by a ratio of six or seven to one. When the young nation of America was bursting at the seams the weight of the teaming white entitled kept the minority blacks down by sheer cultural and demographic inertia. Now that this nation has finally settled into the ancient pattern of all other nations before it—rule by the few over the many—the few require a few more bad men to keep the many in line. Police forces are never adequate for this, as police are low morale rear echelon forces dedicated to maintaining safety and security—female concerns at odds with effective war fighting. Therefore, the regime that realizes that it is at war with its people, and wishes the people to remain ignorant of the fact that it is at war with them so that they will fail to mobilize, must be threatened by a third-party paramilitary force.
To reference the analogy favored by the father of a recent American hero: the shepherd relies on his sheepdogs to keep his sheep in line and to protect them from wolves and coyotes. But still, if the sheep are not conditioned to fear a predator that is very similar in his actions to the sheepdog—this predator being the wolf or coyote, cousin to the dog as the cop is cousin to the gang member—how effective will one dog be at controlling a hundred sheep?
Since a conservative essentially believes in nothing beyond the maintenance of a preferred manner of living, then he or she makes the perfect sheep, the perfect member of a flock.
Since the liberal essentially believes in nothing but controlling the behavior of others he or she is the natural sheep dog.
Since the criminal believes in nothing but improving his survival prospects through predation, he or she is the perfect stand in for the wolf or lesser wild canine.
Without the threat of the wolf the dog has little utility.
If the soldier is the dog of war, the police officer is the dog of peace.
Both war and peace are maintained by force.
To me these are natural cycles.
Masculinity Among Police and Criminals
I see no way in which police might be made more effective in combating gang-based crime [as opposed to cleaning up and solving domestic murders and drunken stupidity] without molding them on a dynamic strike team model used by the military. Ironically, our media, and politicians are all pushing for less militarized police even as they push for heightened drug war activity, which is like escalating a war and then placing all of your manpower in static positions—which never, ever works.
A study of the videos of the rioting in Baltimore back in April shows that when unable to use vastly superior weaponry [their firearms] the BPD were unable to effectively fight less well armed youths, who had no shields, no body armor, no batons, only bricks and rocks. What was absolutely lacking in the majority of the officers was a warrior spirit, as they either crowded together up front or milled around aimlessly in the backfield. Any little league football coach commanding this mob in uniform would have been hoarse from yelling.
We did have the one cop flanking on his own, threatening the hoodrats he could not catch.
Why was that cop the exception?
Why was that combative cop not a leader?
Because he is a man with the warrior spirit, which must be crushed out of a police officer if he is to be the slave of legalistic liberal politicians.
What makes this worse is the fact that so many men and women join the police force in Baltimore so that they can retire with a pension in their early 40s and then get a security job, retire from that in their 60s and live a life of leisure collecting two tax payer funded and one private pension. Such people are not the material war fighters are made of.
It will be shown over and over again that untrained criminal hoodrats are braver than the highly trained and heavily equipped officers they fight. Cops are trained as bullies, to launch squad level attacks against individuals, such as my friend’s brother, who was beaten to death by four cops with black jacks behind a bar in South Baltimore in the early 1980s. Since he was white no one cared about that.
The fact that criminals are routinely more courageous than cops is a result of the following:
1. Most urban cops are drawn from the conservative safety first suburban culture, and are essentially emasculated men or deluded women looking to assert a greater will than their own as the member of a “force.” These people are, often, by definition, individuals without a dynamic sense of a powerful self. Those that are will either be funneled into a tactical squad [the Baltimore SWAT teams did a great job against the rioters and the BPD is ironically under pressure to downsize and gut these units] or become the target of internal affairs and fellow police for their overzealous nature, and will be eventually sued or disciplined out of a job.
2. Cops that are drawn from the urban base they police tend to “go ghetto” and bring down heat on the department through use of excessive force, which has been largely the case in Baltimore.
3. The criminals that oppose the police begin life emasculated by savage women, and are desperately trying to over compensate through risky actions, often behaving in a suicidal fashion in a bid to feel like a man if only for a moment. Ironically, these criminals often make their living providing drugs for white suburban youths who are seeking their own road to oblivion, any way whatsoever out of the messed up, phony, hypocritical, materialistic world wrought by their parents and grandparents.
Attacks on Police and Suicide by Cop
Susan, I understand that my theory that drug gangs would attack police in cooperation with other drug gangs is going to seem wild to most of my readers, who view most blacks as mindless animals incapable of cooperative action or tactical thinking. Keep in mind that all gangs I have studied have sought military training, either by having members enlist in the military, or by seeking out recently discharged military men to instruct them in the numerous wooded parks and over 20,000 vacant buildings in Baltimore.
By military standards these gangs are a joke. My reader B, a former Special Forces soldier, has told me that one squad of terrorists can cause as much crime as 1,000 times their number of criminals in an urban setting. However, by police standards, these wannabe paramilitary gangs are deadly indeed.
I do not believe that all, or even most, of the attacks on police over the course of this year have been committed or even coordinated by gangs. They have, however, been solicited by gangs on social media. This is where our sick media culture of celebrity at all costs—of my Aunt and my Mother and my Sister wasting their time watching Dancing with the Stars, America’s Got Talent, and American Idol as if they are vested parties—turns in upon society and drops its rancid fruit in the form of punks seeking masculinity through the act of killing a cop, with the added perk of being their own publicist.
When emasculated males seek a fleeting manhood in death, they universally choose to die at the hands of a warrior, and the closest thing in civil American society to a warrior, are the “warriors” anointed by our many presidents since Nixon, as Drug warriors—the police and various federal cops, who, themselves write and speak of themselves as warriors at length. The sad fact about this is that most cops are just pretty ordinary people who want some authority in life that they could not tear from it with their own hands, want some security for their old age, and would like, in the process, to feel as if they are doing the right thing and helping out their fellow citizens. However, when the king and all of his minstrels sing of you as a warrior, you are now cursed to carry the warrior’s burden. The wannabe warriors will be coming for your scalp.
Susan. I am about to watch this video you sent. Before I do, keep in mind that suicide killing, known in old Malaysia as “running amok” and lauded among American Plains Indians as a way of striking out at a world that the warrior has not been accepted into [a war was once started by a spurned Sioux suitor who decided to commit glorious suicide by avenging a slain man], is a primordial tribal tradition that vested members of our materialistic society cannot possibly fathom. And, if you can’t understand it, how can you fight it?
Thank again for your contribution.
Impressions of the Video Below
Okay, Susan, thanks for this video, which is essentially, from a white perspective, making Mister Taylor's case for black inferiority. My thoughts are this:
Liberals will only discuss the two idiots who cannot process a simple question which contains the answer, and blame conservatives for not paying enough school taxes.
Conservatives will only discuss the two idiots, in either an attempt to prove black inferiority and justify genocide [I have many friends, eight to be exact, who speak for black genocide regularly] or to blame liberal policies for this idiocy.
What do I, as a crockpot, race-traitor see?
The person you don't see, because he, like the media and politicians that are stage managing your perception of the world like an Oz behind his curtain, is the one pointing the camera and asking the question, the smart black man that will be forever ignored by liberals and conservatives and hated by blacks for not stepping and fetching according to someone's expectation of his place in life.
Last year—I think—the rapper known as Fifty Cent made a similar video of Floyd Money, another god of materialism, trying unsuccessfully to read.
On a darker note, if there is a race war, which most of my white friends want because they think they will win it, how dangerous could these two be? Really, imagine them assembling a firearm and loading it without killing themselves or jamming it. You white nationalists might want to consider who is going to be backing up your black foes in any such "race war," being mindful of the fact that people at this mental level are not effective unilateral antagonists. If they come for you, it's with someone's blessing, and that someone just might look a lot like you.
Before my life is done, I expect to see a white man dragged from his house or gunned down by white cops for the crime of defending himself against black youths, for no other reason than it would mark the logical course in our devolution.
Lunch with Negrodamus
harm city
Mister Earl’s Chicken Riot
blue eyed daughter of zeus
thriving in bad places
search for an american spartacus
song of the secret gardener
Susan     Sep 16, 2015

I just finished reading your post.

In the video I sent, what I liked most was the smart black man behind the camera. He posted the video because it was funny. I laughed. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

In your post you're right about a number of things, wrong about others, and full of yourself with a stunning amount of assumptions. But you do write very well.

You mischaracterize me but it seems pointless to fight back on this. Since you don't want me on the site, I won't be back.
Spurwing Plover     Mar 27, 2016

BLM need to be held accountible for their actions and made to pay the price no more rediculous ecsuses
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