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‘An Idiot, A Republican, Or Both’
9-Year-Old Women &The Quest for the One Gender Society with Leonard Sax, on the Art of Manliness
© 2015 James LaFond
This podcast is about crippling motivation in service to Leviathith. [Not a typo, Bro.]
If you have not listened to this podcast in the article A State Indoctrination Factory please listen to it now. This is science, the man’s art, well expressed.
The best point in this podcast is “Not socially constructed.”
In case that was not clear, let me try to ‘walk this in’ like a 19th century gunner.
“Not a social construct.”
“This is not a socially constructed mind-frame.”
“Dude, some bitch did not make this up! It is about what you are. If you believe in God, it’s his fault. If you don’t believe in God, you have two choices—find an equation that explains the mathematical means by which we might invoke God, or become God, and kill all of these liberal sniveling teachers who are your enemy—kill the men, making a wedding bed of righteously hewed foe flesh, and rape the female teachers on it!”
Okay, let’s not attribute that rant to this professional scientist, but, well, to that maniac that just ran out of my back door after tapping away maniacally at my keyboard—fleeing in terror from the bouquet of white roses that I proffered him as I was forgiving him for sharing my keyboard without first empathizing with me…
Every woman I talk to in her 20s through 40s tells me that her boy is mentally classified as suffering from ADHD, and that they require drugs, to be drugged in to oblivion.
I am thrilled that boys are instinctively going underground and not engaging in the adult mind fuck, set up and put in place and shepherded by the Worst Generation in Human History, the American Baby Boomers, who, if I had a time machine, I would murder in their nurseries before they poisoned the Waters of Our Inherited Earth.
In my opinion, I think every man and youth should rise up and rape his female employer, female teacher, female commanding officer, female senator [I know—yuck! Tough it out—you are a warrior, it is your duty!] and local white blonde female-paired with a black male co-anchor, news anchor, on video, and post it. It would be ugly, violent, illegal, immoral—and still make a better start than what we are currently perched upon, which is a refuse heap of inhumanity.
That was not me—it was the keyboard guy again!
Everything is preferable to nationwide child education, even violent apocalypse. Doctor Sax has a bad cardio system, I think, and I hope he is around to reeducate the children we save from the feminist State when we slaughter this nation’s liberals like grass in May. Damaging the motivational center of the brain is obviously the aim of our national intoxication system.
Listen to it, Man.
The doctor gets into sex and male performance. I have recently discussed this with my brother. Between the two of us—who have always had abnormally high levels of testosterone—we have over a half dozen female suitors, who cannot find a 50-something-year-old man who can still get his dick hard! I can’t handle what I’ve got, and my brother is dedicated to staying faithful to his wife, and we are literally besieged by sex-starved women. The doctor here is explaining that college age guys are already having this problem! Dude, when I was 22 I had to attack my cock with a bucket of ice to keep it down!
Now, as I willingly embrace my social death, I would gladly change places with one of these sexually challenged young faɡɡots—well, except for the not being able to fight my way out of a condom box part...
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