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Hitting the Blind
Two Examples of Violent Intervention
© 2015 James LaFond
Thanks to Adam for these links.
My thoughts are Cody has his head on straight about not taking everything to the police.
The second video is odd in that all parties involved seemed to be Christians. The fact that the slap of the insane black man is repeatedly referred to on the news and by witnesses as a punch is symptomatic of the News Nation and how quickly the lie is established as the truth. The openhanded blow is every bit as nasty as a punch, for the crucial aspect is transferring force to the neck.
Overall, the need to declare heroes who do what men should do as a matter of course is troubling.
The final news clip is the realistic implication of intervening against an attacker who is black in a black area.
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Sean     Sep 28, 2015

It's indicative of our weakened and sad society that the people in the second video were considered "heroes" for simply doing what used to be common place.

Well actually does that make it "heroic" since cowards abound today and the slightest act of courage is unusal and esteemed?

Either way it makes me sick.
James     Sep 28, 2015

After the first video the second one made me sick as well.

What bothered me the most is that everyone declined to call it a cuff, or a slap, or an open handed blow. Technically it was a slap as he levered his hand. It was as if they feared that describing the attack as a slapping would bring out support for the insane attacker.

The best lesson I think we could take from the second video is that you do not have to have the ability to defeat a man in a fight to keep him from hurting a third person. You just have to get in the way or hold on to him.

The word hero has been gutted.
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