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The Ghetto at A Glance
Two Weeks from Lighting the Torch As Concealed Hands Weather Comes into Season
© 2015 James LaFond
Now that the presiding judge has ruled that the six police officers charged in the death of Baltimore Christ will be tried in Baltimore, where the police are known to be incapable of handling the mob, the black defendants are already turning on each other, with one of the black male cops having testified that the black female cop in charge of the arrest and transport ignored The Sand Town Savior's pleas for medical assistance as he was being nailed to that awfully boxy looking white cross. This brings up the thought that, if a black woman takes the fall for this, and the three white men are not all convicted, we are going to see a big mess.
In other news, an MTA bus driver in Baltimore City was caught dealing drugs while operating the bus. I have known a number of bus drivers to be involved in petty frauds like printing out extra bus tickets for friends to sell, and, of course, expressing the standard urban propensity for violence, but slinging dope from behind the wheel?
As cool as that is, we had yet another police shooting of an innocent unarmed black youth—age unknown. Down in Southwest Baltimore, which is an increasingly bad area, a BPD major—a major—was on his way to attend a community meeting when he noticed a sketchy character prowling around with his hands concealed. Although it is unfathomable to liberals and media types, concealed hands commit the most crime in Baltimore. The men, who by implication has a pocketed weapon, commit more aggression than stabber's and shooters. With autumn falling, I have already had five young men either threaten me outright or try and intimidate me with hands pocketed in the same type of hooded sweatshirt that the son of the leader of the Free World might very well wear.
The police major—perhaps in mind of the nationwide spate of police killings by thugs—decided to speak to this loitering person. The content of the conversation is not yet known. The cop did tell the idiot to show his hands. The idiot refused to show his empty hands. The cop shot him in the leg—I bet that shit hurt! The major then took off his own belt and used it as a tourniquet and the last I heard the boy blunder was in stable condition. The major is on administrative leave.
A note to my hoodrat readers.
The cops do not want you to die—as that brings major heat. They just want to shoot you so that they can feel better about not winning any fights back in high school. Dude, your hoodrat carcass is a pain in the ass to everyone, except for your mamma, who just won the "hatched a got-shot hoodrat" lottery, and will be cashing in on your dumbass. So, recalling that the cops do not want you to die, how about you guys start wearing belts, which they can use to keep you from bleeding to death from an arm or leg wound while you squirm in shocked agony, and sagely opine, "Shit, Yo!"
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