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‘These Stones’
The Lost Vikings
© 2015 James LaFond
Many of my readers are concerned with “white genocide,” which is something that does not concern me. I think whites need a good cull to get us back into fighting trim, just like my fat ass needs to lose 20 pounds.
In this video, fights with the skaelings or “screechers,” which is what the Norse called Inuit and Indian enemies, are mentioned only briefly. They did occur, however, in one event costing the Norse 15 lives. The fall of Norse Greenland is largely a story of climate change. However, consider that these men tried to settle more fruitful lands to the west and were sent packing by their enemies, and that their attempts to adapt to the Little Ice Age by adopting Inuit ways were doomed due to the presence of the more numerous and better adapted Inuit in the ranges they would have had to access.
This is not the only colored on white genocide, and not even my favorite. The science in this film is astounding, and the setting spooky. Keep in mind, that with no timber, they were stuck until a relief boat came.
Leaf did not lie. There may not have been any trees, but the place is as green as a pool table before beer gets spilled on it.
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