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Yebits and the Narc Hunter
Dealing with a Vengeful Stoner
© 2015 James LaFond
#62-07 & 62-08, night, minutes, first-person defender
“I was sitting in this dark girlie bar with my buddy, when this small guy sat up next to me on my right side and said, ‘How does it feel to bust someone and put them in jail?’
“I said, ‘Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.’
“He said, ‘You’re a fuckin’ narc. You busted my brother.’
“I said, ‘Look, I work for Gunman aircraft. Here’s my I.D. I’m no narc.’
“He wouldn’t let up. He says, ‘Now we’re going to take care of this nice and quiet.’ He put this knife to my side. It was a big sheath knife and he was holding it in his left hand. He was looped. I turned to my buddy (sitting to my left) and said, ‘He’s got a knife.’
“He got hold of the bartender, who put a thirty-eight in this guy’s face, took the knife, and said, ‘Get out.’
“A few minutes later the guy came back in with another knife—a smaller sheath knife –and held it to my side. I made my move and grabbed his wrist with both hands and yelled, ‘He’s got a knife! Get the knife!’
“Bouncers came over just as we were going down, and they took him down and lumped him up a bit. Got my licks in too. We took him out on the lot and made him leave. He’s getting in his Ford LTD and we’re banging on his car saying, ‘Get out of here you crazy S.O.B.!’
“He floored it into reverse out into Route Forty and hit this guy broadside—folded the car right in half—got caught up, floored it, and drug the guy with him as he’s trying to break free. He breaks free and the other guy is chasing him down Route Forty. I don’t know how the guy could drive the way that he had been hit. The whole thing was insane.”
‘Assessing Police Activity’
harm city
Ron Bone’s Van
logic of steel
son of a lesser god
the greatest boxer
honor among men
songs of arуas
the lesser angels of our nature
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