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The "South South Bronx"
Nero the Pict on NYC & Harm City Refugees in Southeaster PA, and White Flight from Baltimore
© 2015 Nero the Pict
I really liked the way Nero’s links—well, are linked—and instead of using them for the bones of a few articles am just posting his e-mail report below. The hair weave commercial below ran on late night TV and UHF channels a lot when I was a kid watching westerns and Tarzan movies.
Thanks Nero
Mister Ray’s Hair Weave Center
This one appeared in the Lancaster Rag today...Thought that you might enjoy a laugh. Though I guess in reality it isn't that funny. Sad. I feel sorry for the store clerk. Upends the notion that the Lancaster area is full of stolid Amish types. The area acts as a siphon for NYC and to a lesser extent Jerseys slags. You really might start referring to South Central PA as the "South South Bronx" I would bet one, maybe two, of these fine specimens is from or has ties to Queens, The Bronx, or Staten Island. I am constantly amazed at the amount of ties the Lancaster area in particular have to New York City. Not just confined to the criminal class either. For whatever reason Philly sends its refugees (criminal or otherwise) somewhere else.
Take Care out there
Nero the Pict
Crap, one more thing...
A Child’s Memory Of White Flight From Baltimore
I have always been curious to hear more about the 68' riots. 15 years ago I used to go to the Pratt Main Branch and look at microfilm of the Sun and News American from that era trying to read up on what I could of the 68' riots. Trying to fact check the various stories I had heard growing up. There was and is surprisingly little information on this period...No real firsthand accounts. I remember finding one book whose title was "Into the Cauldron" (might be wrong its been awhile) written by a National Guardsman on the events of April 68'. It was self published and probably didn't get a lot of distribution. Never have encountered another copy.
The lady in the attached article makes a good case for April 68' being a kind of "Ethnic Cleansing Lite".
To my knowledge I have never read anything that has given any tangible reasons for the "white flight." When I have read snippets of the reasons for white flight it has always been blamed on the ol' boogeyman racism. This is the first I have seen in print what I have heard in conversation countless times over the years. That in some part whitey leaving for the burbs was just down to exceedingly poor manners and bad behavior by certain segments of the black underclass.
A Child’s Memory Of White Flight From Baltimore
Fear often turns into anger and hatred. There was plenty of that being stoked in the 1960s, but much more than racism caused white flight from Baltimore.
‘Black Jebus’
guest authors
‘If You Keep A Jump Bag’
night city
logic of force
orphan nation
uncle satan
let the world fend for itself
solo boxing
the combat space
Maureen     Oct 10, 2015

When you go about your daily business, whether it be at work or going to the grocery store or whatever, communication can be difficult enough without cultural barriers in the way. Just going to a fast food restaurant in SoCal is often fraught with confusion and tempers can flare up because of misunderstandings.

And trust me, the flaring tempers aren't only from the mean ole racist Whites, they are often from the Mexicans who have been taught to HATE "spoilt, rich" Whites.
James     Oct 12, 2015

SoCal sounds like a nightmare. Whoever thought that our so-called multicultural arrangement was a good idea must have been doing too much acid in the 60s.

It is obvious that the federal government, state and local governments and corporations are pushing to replace us with immigrants.
bernie Hackett     Oct 11, 2015


The University of Baltimore library supposedly has some archival material on the riots. They had a seminar some years back on the subject, which I missed.

I was in Signal School at the time, and they called us into a company formation after classes, and confined us to the post, pending events in Augusta, home of James Brown. I called home, and my Mother told me that helicopters were overhead, I could hear the sirens, and that the A. & P. was on fire!

A Dundalk guy I know was called up for it, and was in Cambridge, as well.

On my way to Oakland, enroute to the RVN, I sat with another soldier who'd been in downtown. Brought he and his companions in from Ft. Meade. He said it was scary.

There is at least one book on blockbusting, focusing on Edmondson Avenue on the West side. I remember it happening in my old neighborhood, as several of my friends moved to the 'burbs. Certain "real estate" companies encouraged them. Whatta shock! The Amish, once again!
James     Oct 12, 2015

I have had a couple friends tell me about their riot experiences, white and black. The most chilling was a skinhead who later tried to have me killed by another gang. He told me about his drunk wife-beating father dragging his mother up on the roof of their house while she was pregnant, and making her look at the fire and telling her it was her black friends trying to kill them.
Bernie Hackett     Oct 11, 2015

Good old Mr. Ray!

My favorite one of his is the one where he pulls on the guys head, whilst proclaiming "This is not a wig!" It looks painful!

Then it cuts to some couple, the male wearing a disco suit, dancing.

The implied message is that once you gets yo' weave, it's on!

One of the folks I used to adjust with cut Mr. Rays grass when he was a yuth. I was impressed with his brush with Balmer celebrity.

Me. I was hoping to make a move on Miss Nancy, but alas!
James     Oct 12, 2015

I mostly remember feeling really bad for the bald woman he used in the one testimonial.
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 12, 2015

In a case I am familiar with, Milwaukee, the primary proximate cause of white fight was mandatory busing. Of course busing was supposed to make everyone part of one big happy racially integrated family by making white and black children become schoolmates and get to know each other. However all it succeeded in doing was to cause resentment over the chaos it brought to affected families' daily life by forcing their children to travel across town to attend a strange school in a strange neighborhood. Often one that wasn't as good or as disciplined as the one they used to attend in the case of the white children. As time went on more and more white families moved out of the city so their children could attend the school near where they lived. Some fifty years later nearly all the Milwaukee public schools are 90% black so the intent of the initiative has been totally defeated. People did not vote for busing and therefore did not support it; it was imposed on them by federal court order. So the majority of white folks voted with their feet and left the jurisdiction in which this inconvenience was forced on them. The rising crime, the hostility and incivility from blacks and high property taxes in the city all piled on to give whites an ever increasing incentive to "di di mau" (leave now) and move to the suburbs. The Leftist take on this is that the whites who moved to the burbs were totally motivated by race hatred toward blacks. No other factors have any validity in their minds. Likewise the motivations of the black people who moved to the burbs have no bearing on the discussion.
bernie Hackett     Oct 12, 2015


I'm not so sure I'm on board with Ms Caseys little tour de force in the link.

Note her parents (and I suspect herself) enabled the current mess by their activities and politics (IMHO, I'm a faschist), and were shocked by what happened. Ingrates!

Of course, she is an "educator" and probably toes the line of the national and local teechers unions. No child left behind! Or, as I say, The left wants your childs behind, and yours, too. Commonunist core! Heather has two mommies, and they're probably a rainbow!

I'd love to have her dialogue, starting off by saying STFU, Tiffany!
Nero The Pict     Oct 16, 2015


I feel the beauty of the article is that Ms. Casey is and her clan were/are avowed lefties. She does a masterful job of pointing out the reality on the ground for much of the white working and middle classes who fled the Baltimore after the events of April 1968. In a way her and her families pinko political stripe lend more credence to the litany of very real transgressions that she highlights.

These same concerns coming from a White Nationalist, Fascist, or garden variety Republican don't resonate as well. You would expect any of the three aforementioned creeds to voice opinions in opposition to the rapine chocolate tidal wave that crested upon Baltimore's shores all of those years ago.

I just find it ironic that some sort of ACORN teachers union supporting statist propaganda pusher would write such an scathing article. Almost like a scorned lover.

I would never have a dialogue with the women in real life. I learned long ago to never talk politics with a lady! Ha.
James     Oct 23, 2015

I will be collecting tales from both sides of the divide for these events.
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