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‘How We Are Herded’
A Look at Socially Sanctioned Mass Attacks
© 2015 James LaFond
When the lynching, burning and mutilation of black men by white mobs was sanctioned by the government to the point of police protection being provided against possible black relief efforts, that made a statement.
Likewise, when the police pull back and let black criminals attack whites for an entire week and decline to investigate it in the aftermath, that also extends a social sanction, a blessing of the violent actors.
It has just occurred to me, after looking at my mass attack stats from the 1990s, that the biggest change in the violent make up of our society has been in mob violence.
In the 1990s only 1 in 3 acts of violence were mass attacks. Today the ratio is higher than 2 in 3.
In the 90s mass attacks were almost exclusively same race affairs, with only 31 of 483 mass attacks being interracial. Today almost half of mass attacks are interracial—in some places more.
In the 90s black on white mass attacks were three times as likely as white on black. Today white on black mass attacks do not occur, and black on white mass attacks are common.
What do I make of this?
I see this as a liberal victory.
Consider that the liberal politicians and media that support this black on white mass attack campaign adhere to the doctrine that race is imaginary and that all people are identical. So, when we see white media and politicians enabling and encouraging black on white mass violence we are seeing a one race society in the act of purification—Puritans attending the dunking chair tortures of unwanted villagers.
Traditionally American mobs have targeted their own. Perhaps we are now one America, merely splitting according to our aggressor/victim function into two camps of slaves beholding to the same liberal masters.
It might interest you to know that colonial governments of Virginia, Carolina and Georgia employed imported African slaves to fight and hunt rebellious and escaped white slaves from the 1670s through the early 1700s, and that most colonial governments employed Indian warriors as bounty hunters and slave catchers to keep poor whites in line.
Maybe things have just remained the same in a shape changing way.
White Mob Violence
harm city
‘Kill His Ass!’
dark, distant futures
the first boxers
son of a lesser god
when you're food
solo boxing
search for an american spartacus
sons of arуas
by the wine dark sea
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 12, 2015

Columnist John Derbyshire believes we are embroiled in what he calls a “cold civil war” between the “good whites” and the “bad whites” for control of the country. Only the “bad whites” for the most part do not realize they are in a war. The good whites (Liberals, Leftists, Feminists, Democrats, SJW, SWPL hipsters, Atheists, LGBT, pro-choice advocates, gun control advocates, etc.) are seeking to destroy any and all political power and influence still held by the “bad whites’ (Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, Christians, red-necks, white nationalists, gun rights advocates, pro-life advocates, heterosexual white males, et al), so the “good whites” will be able to completely have their way in transforming America into a country they believe will be more “just and equal”. With them firmly in charge of it all, of course. To that end the good whites are using blacks and Hispanics as surrogates or proxies to attack, dispossess and generally intimidate and demoralize the bad whites. In the short term the good whites seek to get blacks in particular agitated and fearing for their safety at the hands of the bad whites in order to get them to vote for whoever the Democrat candidate for president will be in 2016 in the same big numbers they voted for Barrack Obama in 2008 and 2012. They believe that could tip the election in the Democrat’s favor once again. The blacks executing the attacks have their own agendas and their own motivations and are more than happy to victimize vulnerable whites. It has always been easy to take advantage of naturally occurring suspicions and grievances to stir up a race war within countries where different ethnic groups occupy the same geographic space. Especially if you are willing to tell bald-faced lies. I believe Derbyshire is correct, although I would characterize it as a low intensity conflict (LIC) rather than a “cold” civil war for obvious reasons. There are many names being used to describe our Leftist ruling elite, such as the “Good-whites”, “the Cathedral” and the “Deep State”. I use the term “The Woman”, since it’s “The Woman”, not “The Man” who is hassling you now. The so-called “patriarchy” was long ago replaced by a “matriarchy”. That’s why the pro football players are all wearing pink this month for national breast cancer awareness month, believe it! Why doesn’t the NFL raise awareness of prostate cancer you ask? Hey, don’t be a misogynist! STFU! The Woman is seeking to destroy her political enemies and dominate the country. The bad whites will be driven to extinction just like the Picts and the Wends and the Mohegans. If you find yourself lumped among the bad whites the only way to prevent your eradication is to fight back, both in your personal defense and in the political arena. You can’t win a fight if you don’t realize it has started.
bernie Hackett     Oct 12, 2015


Baltimore use to be known as "mobtown". The writeup (if you can find it) is a chapter of Francis Biernes' "The Amiable Baltimoreans".

As an example, Robert E. Lees Father, Light Horse Harry, hero of the Revolution, was beaten nearly to death in a political attack on a friends newspaper. There were anti catholic riots, and the political affrays on election days, Rival gangs and fire companies used to duke it out, and brass knuckles, loaded canes(ought to make a comeback), and pistols were used. Elections used to be FUN! Just ask Edgar Allen Poe.

Bierne says (written in the 50s) that it had died off by the late 1800s, my interpretation. He cites a critical poem sent to the Sun by a disgruntled war worker during WW II.

His thought was that some decades earlier, blood would have flowed.

Wonder what he'd have thought about 1968 and the recent knucklehead intifada?
James     Oct 15, 2015

this is fascinating stuff, Bernie.

bernie Hackett     Oct 15, 2015

The Derb makes good points. Me, I'm evil!

Finally! Screw all this good stuff! To the barricades!

Boy, do these people piss me off!

I'm gonna get Mr. Jim to train me, so's I can kick some serious ass!

Prayers to St. Jude might be in order.

Mobtown might be making a return. Insurrection, my ass!

Mr. sweetness and light
James     Oct 23, 2015

Just give me a call when you want to get started, Bernie.

It truly is astounding to live in this day and age. In a way, I feel lucky, like the voyeuristic object of the Chinese curse to live in interesting times.
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