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Ten Tears for the Goddess
The 10 Most Masculine Stories in Western Literature
© 2015 James LaFond
In order to put Howards work in context I’ve placed him on this list of most masculine tales, a list he does belong on. The selections of his that I have included are not his best works, and do not belong with these other works in terms of quality or importance, only in terms of the level of masculinity in the tale.
Nine of the stories break into two clear types, the tribal tale, indicated below with a [T], and the tale of individual visionary transcendence indicated by a [V]. For the #1 selection I cannot decide whether the tale favors tribalism or transcendence, and do hope that a reader qualified in matters of the Old Testament might elaborate. Is #1 the perfect joining of these two divergent strands in human literature? Is that why I have felt so compelled to place it above the rest? Or, is there a reason to chose one interpretation over the other that I have failed to consider?
10. Moby Dick, Herman Melville [V]
9. Meditations, Marcus Aurelius [V]
8. The Moon of Skulls, Robert E. Howard [V]
7. The Hour of the Dragon, Robert E. Howard [T]
6. Storm of Steel, Ernst Junger [V]
5. Beowulf, Anonymous [T]
4. Almuric, Robert E. Howard [T]
3. The Iliad, Homer [T]
2. Gilgamesh, anonymous [V]
1. Samson and the Philistines, Judges 13-16 [?]
‘To the Doors of Hell’
book reviews
‘A Rare Hunt’
logic of force
masculine axis
on combat
blue eyed daughter of zeus
let the world fend for itself
songs of aryаs
honor among men
nightboat2cairo     Oct 21, 2015

Interesting to see Jünger on your list. I liked his writing much more than All Quiet on the Western Front or the big British writers of the time (Sassoon, Graves, ...). Have you read any of his writing apart from Storm of Steel? There's a site that follows his work:
James     Oct 23, 2015

I have numerous reviews of Junger's work under the tag A Thousand Years in His Soul.

Thank you for the link. I will use it.
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